December 22: Newmarket cancels Tim Hortons First Night, Frozen Fridays and Mayor's New Year's Levee in an effort to curb the spread of the Omicron Variant
The Town of Newmarket is cancelling Tim Hortons First Night (New Year’s Event) on December 31, Mayor’s New Year’s Levee, scheduled for January 7, 2022 and Frozen Fridays at Riverwalk Commons (December 23 and 30) out of an abundance of caution due to the spread of the Omicron variant.
“I know that many residents were looking forward to ringing in the New Year with us at the Town’s First Night event after another incredibly difficult year. However, with cases of COVID-19 increasing rapidly we have decided to cancel the Town’s New Year’s activities, as well as my Levee,” says Mayor John Taylor. “This decision has been made to both limit gathering to reduce the spread of the aggressive Omnicom variant and enable the Town to shift our staff and resources to support vaccine clinics.”
“We are working with York Region Public Health and Southlake to open vaccine clinics in Newmarket in the coming weeks,” says Mayor Taylor. “These clinics will expand the availability of vaccines for all eligible age groups, including those in need of booster shots. We’re moving as quickly as possible to get these clinics up and running, but ask for your patience as we refocus our resources to get them up and running.”
Newmarket facilities continue to operate safely, in accordance with all public health regulations as directed by the Province of Ontario on December 17 and will be operating on holiday hours of operation during the holiday season. Newmarket continues to offer services in a variety of ways, for more information email ( or call 905-895-5193. For the most up-to-date information on programs, events and cancellations, visit
For more information on COVID-19 in York Region and Ontario, including vaccination booking information, visit or
October 22: Customer Service Centre reopens for in-person services at the Municipal Offices as of November 1
In-person services are also available at the Magna Centre and Ray Twinney Recreation Complex Kiosk
The Town of Newmarket will be reopening the Customer Service Centre at the Municipal Offices (395 Mulock Drive) for in-person services as of November 1. The hours of operation will be Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Services available to residents include:
General inquiries
Payments for property taxes (by debit) and parking tickets etc.*
Assistance with Recreation and Culture program registration / payment*
Purchasing garbage bag tags and large item tags*
*Please note that Newmarket is currently only accepting cashless transactions for all payments.
All other services will continue to be available digitally and marriage licenses and the commissioning of documents will continue to be available by appointment. As of November 8, the Town will introduce more in-person services to the public by appointment only. Residents who are seeking assistance with other services are encouraged to email or call 905-895-5193 for more information. The Town will continue to monitor the COVID-19 landscape and will gradually introduce more in-person services to the public.
Individuals visiting the Municipal Offices will be screened at the door, be asked to complete a COVID-19 health screening questionnaire, be required to wear a mask/face covering and stay at least 6ft. apart at all times. Staff will be screening for vaccination status to determine the safest way to serve residents.
In-person services noted above continue to be available at the Magna Centre (800 Mulock Drive) and Ray Twinney Recreation Complex (100 Eagle Street West) Customer Service kiosk during its regular hours of operation. In addition to participating in a COVID-19 health screening questionnaire, members of the public will be required to show proof of full vaccination in order to enter the Magna Centre and the Ray Twinney Recreation Complex in accordance to Provincial regulation.
As always, the Town continues to offer alternative ways to serve the community during the pandemic. Residents who need assistance are encouraged to email or call 905-895-5193. For municipal emergencies after-hours, residents can call 905-895-5193 and press 3 to be directed to our after-hours line.
Committee of the Whole and Council Meetings
Members of the public continue to be encouraged to participate in Committee of the Whole and Council meetings virtually online. All meetings will continue to be streamed live online, recorded and archived for viewing at Those that wish to make a deputation can email for additional information.
Capacity limits at the Magna Fitness Centre lifted as of Monday, October 25
Today, the Province of Ontario announced that as of Monday, October 25, capacity limits will be lifted for a vast majority of settings where proof of vaccination are required. This includes indoor areas such as sports and recreational facilities. As a result, the Town will be lifting its capacity limit for the Fitness Centre at the Magna Centre and will no longer require patrons to register for a time slot in advance. Walk-in's will be accepted as of Monday, October 25. The Town will gradually lift capacity limits for other recreational activities in the coming weeks.
For more information on what's open and closed in Newmarket, please visit
September 30: Newmarket supports York Region's approach to keeping our patrons safe
Newmarket will continue with its approach for 12-17-year-olds participating in organized sports, as announced on September 21, 2021, with enforcement starting November 1
Letter of Instruction has been released from York Region’s Medical Officer of Health, Dr Karim Kurji, that effective October 1, 2021, all persons aged 12 and older, including those playing, coaching, and spectating organized sports must be fully vaccinated.
The Town of Newmarket respects and supports the
Letter of Instruction by York Region as a necessary and fair approach to keep our patrons safe. The Town will comply with the new instructions and request identification and proof of vaccination, or a valid medical exemption for all facility entrants aged 12 and up; however, to ensure that users have time to comply with the new guidelines, the Town will take an education-first approach until November 1, 2021. These Instructions are being put into effect to help contain the spread of COVID-19, including the highly transmissible Delta Variant and other Variants of Concern. York Region will spend the next several weeks focused on communication and education related to this Letter of Instruction, with escalated measures, including enforcement, to follow.
Activities related to organized sports have the potential to increase COVID-19 transmission. Close contact, heavy breathing, long exposure times, crowded indoor spaces and masks removed during physical activity all contribute to increased risk of COVID-19 transmission. In order to maintain opportunities for sport the Town of Newmarket must remain diligent in ensuring the safety of participants.
Newmarket will continue with its approach for ages 12-17, and coaches/volunteers/officials participating in organized sports, which will require full vaccination starting November 1 as previously announced. The Town will continue to request compliance and check vaccination status, however, individuals in this age group and coaches/volunteers/officials currently participating in organized sports will not be turned away if they are unable to provide proof of vaccination or medical exemption until November 1, 2021, when full enforcement will begin. We recognize this requirement may cause inconvenience for some residents, businesses and sports organizations, however, it’s important to note that 75% of York Region youth aged 12 to 17 are fully vaccinated and 82% have received a first dose. In the past two months, almost all COVID-19 related deaths and hospitalizations have occurred in individuals who were not vaccinated or partially vaccinated.
“While we appreciate the fatigue and frustration felt by everyone we must remain diligent in keeping our community safe,” says Mayor John Taylor “We are excited to get back to sports and it is important that we continue working together to ensure the safety of our participants and staff to allow up to avoid any further closures of facilities. We kindly ask community members to be respectful and understanding with staff who are in the difficult position of enforcing regulations and have no latitude to change them.”
These requirements are in pursuant to
the provincial announcement on September 1 which stated that as of September 22, 2021, those entering certain indoor public settings will be required to be fully vaccinated and provide proof of their vaccination status.
Fully vaccinated means all participants must have proof of two doses of a Health Canada Approved Vaccine or one dose of the Jansen (Johnson and Johnson) vaccine, plus a two-week waiting period from their last dose.
Proof of vaccination is not required for the following:
- Children age 0-11 do not need to be vaccinated
- Those with medical exemptions. Participants will need to provide proof of medical exemption with a medical letter from a doctor or nurse practitioner
All participants will be screened and asked to show the following:
- Proof of completion of the Town of Newmarket’s public screening survey
- Hard copy / digital copy of your proof of vaccination (two doses of a Heath Canada Approved Vaccine or one dose of the Jansen (Johnson and Johnson) vaccine dated at least two weeks prior to entry into a Town facility.
You can obtain a copy of this medical record through the Province of Ontario’s webpage.
A piece of ID that includes your full name and date of birth. (i.e. Driver’s License, Health Card, Government-issued identification card etc.)
September 21: Newmarket release COVID-19 Vaccinated Policy for those entering Town facilities
Starting September 22, those entering certain indoor public settings will be required to be fully vaccinated and provide proof of full vaccination* status in accordance with Provincial legislation. In an effort to remain consistent and fair, the Town will be implementing the following:
From September 22 to October 31: All individuals 12+ (with the exception of those 12-17 who are participating in an organized sport) will be required to provide proof of full vaccination* for entry into a Town facility or recreation program, including access to the Customer Service Kiosks at the Magna Centre and the Ray Twinney Recreation Complex.
Note: The Newmarket Public Library is exempt from this regulation (as per the Provincial regulations) and the Library Board will be discussing vaccination requirements for use of the Library at an upcoming meeting.
November 1: All individuals 12+ (regardless of their participation in an organized sport) will be required to provide proof of full vaccination* for entry into a Town facility, including the Customer Service Kiosks, and participation in all recreation programs and events as approved at the Special Council Meeting on September 21.
Note: The Town will be exploring ways to ensure those who are unvaccinated will still be able to access in-person services by appointment. As always, Town continues to offer its services digitally to all residents.
“Newmarket is taking a consistent and fair approach for our residents while applying the Province’s new regulations for proof of vaccination. As of November 1, the Town will require all those 12+ years old, including those who are participating in organized sports to provide proof of vaccination,” says Mayor John Taylor. “We want to remain equitable for all individuals entering our facilities and not create a divide on who is able to enter and who isn’t based on the type of program the individual is participating in. A stronger vaccination requirement is our best chance at slowing down the spread of the virus, while helping us and local businesses avoid another lockdown.”
Exemptions - Proof of vaccination is not required for the following:
Children age 0-11 do not need to be vaccinated
Those with medical exemptions. Participants will need to provide proof of medical exemption with a letter from a doctor or nurse practitioner
From September 22 to October 31 only:
Youths ages 12-17 who are actively participating in an organized sport for training, practices and games. As of November 1, proof of vaccination will be required for all those 12+.
Entry into the Newmarket Public Library (depending on the direction set by the Newmarket Public Library Board which will be decided at a later date)
All participants will be screened and be required to provide full vaccination* proof upon entry to any Town of Newmarket facility and/or participate in any recreation program/event. Masks are mandatory when entering, exiting and travelling throughout the facility, and while watching and/or waiting for participants in programs.
From September 22 to October 31, all participants 18+ will be screened and asked to show the following:
Proof of completion of the Town of Newmarket’s public screening survey
Hard copy / digital copy of your proof of vaccination (two doses of a Heath Canada Approved Vaccine or one dose of the Jansen (Johnson and Johnson) vaccine dated at least 14 days prior to entry into a Town facility.
You can obtain a copy of this medical record through the Province of Ontario’s webpage.
A piece of ID that includes your full name and date of birth. (i.e. Driver’s License, Health Card, Government issued identification card etc.)
As of November 1, all individuals aged 12+ will be screened and asked to show the same requirements noted above in order to enter a Town facility and/or to participate in recreation program/event.
The Town of Newmarket has also finalized its vaccination policy for staff, volunteers and members of Council that will require full vaccination* by November 1, 2021. Newmarket Council had previously directed staff to draft a policy that was ratified at the Monday, September 20 Council meeting. Staff will be required to provide proof of first vaccination by October 1, 2021 and proof of second dose by November 1, 2021. Staff members with valid medical or other human rights-based exemptions will be considered for appropriate accommodation within the policy.
For more information on the vaccination requirements for the public entering a Town facility or participating in a Town recreation program/event please visit
*Fully vaccinated means all individuals must have proof of two doses of a Health Canada Approved Vaccine or one dose of the Jansen (Johnson and Johnson) vaccine plus a two-week waiting period from their last dose.
August 30: Newmarket moving ahead with policy requiring all staff to be vaccinated
At today's Council meeting it was decided that the Town of Newmarket will move forward with a required vaccination policy for all staff, inline with various other public and private sector organizations. With COVID-19 cases rising throughout York Region and the province and the Delta variant continuing to cause significant concerns, this is an important step forward to continue to protect the health and safety of the Newmarket community and Town staff.
"The health of our residents, our staff and their families, those that are vulnerable in our community and our small businesses is too great a risk not to implement vaccine requirements" says Mayor John Taylor. "We know that vaccinations are our best defence against COVID-19 and we have seen from other countries around the world that even with high vaccination rates, hospitalizations and ICU's can be overwhelmed by the unvaccinated. Please everyone get vaccinated – it will save lives and will save businesses."
Council has directed staff to prepare a draft policy that will come back to the Committee of the Whole meeting on September 13. The policy will require all Town of Newmarket staff to receive two doses of a Health Canada-approved COVID-19 vaccine to ensure the best protection possible against COVID-19. Staff will be required to provide proof of first vaccination by October 1, 2021 and proof of second dose by November 1, 2021, in line with York Region's policy. Staff members with valid medical or other human rights-based exemptions will be considered for appropriate accommodation within the policy.
The draft policy for required staff vaccinations is anticipated to be on the agenda for the September 13 Committee of the Whole meeting. In addition to municipal staff, Council has directed staff to review potential vaccination requirements for public attendance at Town facilities, which will also come forward on September 13, streamed live at Additional details will be provided when the policy is finalized.
August 9: Newmarket lifts State of Emergency enacted as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic
The Town of Newmarket has officially lifted the State of Emergency that was enacted on March 18, 2020 in response to the global pandemic. The State of Emergency was enacted to allow the Town to take certain actions and to increase emergency orders to reduce the spread of COVID-19. With the State of Emergency lifted, the Mayor will no longer have the sole authority to invoke measures without approval from all members of Council.
“With York Region having vaccinated over 80% of eligible residents (one dose) and over 70% fully vaccinated (two doses), we have decided to terminate the State of Emergency in Newmarket,” says Mayor John Taylor. “Through the State of Emergency, staff were able to pivot, adapt and rise to the challenge that COVID-19 has presented us with. I am very proud of our community for following health and safety protocols and all that we have accomplished. But this doesn’t mean we are out of the woods just yet. Let me be clear, if a fourth wave of COVID-19 materializes and is significant enough, we won’t hesitate to re-enact the order.” As of August 6, 2021, there are four active COVID-19 cases in Newmarket and out of 18 of the last 30 days there have been no new cases. As a result of this positive outlook, the Town’s Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) has also been deactivated. However, the Newmarket’s Recovery Team continues to meet regularly to discuss gradual reopening’s of more Town amenities and facilities. “Please continue to stay vigilant and follow all public health and safety measures such as wearing a mask indoors and practicing safe physical distancing.” says Mayor John Taylor. “The pandemic and the Delta variant are still a concern and now is not the time to forget the simple practices that will keep us from a fourth wave. If you haven’t done so already, please book a vaccination appointment at one of York Region’s clinics. These clinics also accept walk-in’s and have pop-up clinics around Town. Together we can and we will end this pandemic if we all do our part.”
For more information on COVID-19 in Newmarket, please visit For more information on Vaccination Clinics in York Region, please visit
July 15: Newmarket prepares to gradually reopen some indoor recreational amenities in Stage Three by July 19
With the
Province of Ontario entering Step Three of the Roadmap to Reopen on July 16, at 12:01 a.m., the Town of Newmarket is pleased to announce the reopening of the Fitness Centre and the pool at the Magna Centre (800 Mulock Drive) on Monday, July 19, 2021. Newmarket will continue to take a phased approach to reopening other indoor amenities to the public and will gradually provide more in-person services to the community. The Town will provide an update to the community when more information becomes available.
"I am pleased that we are able to reopen some of our indoor recreational amenities to the public as soon as possible with more set to reopen as we fully transition into Step Three of the Province's reopening plan," says Mayor John Taylor. "With the COVID-19 numbers starting to come down due to an increase in vaccinations, it's now more important than ever that we continue this trend. If you haven't done so already, please book a vaccine appointment at one of York Region's vaccination clinics and continue to follow public health guidelines to ensure we continue this downward trend of COVID-19 cases."
The Magna Centre pool will reopen to the public on Monday, July 19 for various programming, including: public swim, lane swim and parent and tot swimming. Aqua Fitness will resume the week of July 26. The Fitness Centre will also resume operations on Monday, July 19 with indoor fitness classes expected to restart on August 3. All programs will operate in accordance with public health and safety measures. All participants must register ahead of time, with weekly registration opening each Sunday at 8 a.m., for the following week. Registration for Monday, July 19 times lots will begin on Sunday, July 18 at 8 a.m. at
For more information on programs, schedules, registration information and how the Town is keeping participants safe, please visit and/or
One ice pad at the Magna Centre will be available for use by community groups and organizations. For more information, please email
The Newmarket Youth Centre and Skatepark is scheduled to reopen on July 26. For more information, please visit
The Ray Twinney Recreation Complex remains in use by York Region Public Health as a Regional Vaccination Clinic and a drop-in program area for vulnerable populations and the Newmarket Seniors' Meeting Place is currently in use by Southlake Regional Health Centre as a COVID-19 Assessment Centre.
Step Three of the Roadmap focuses on the resumption of additional indoor services with larger numbers of people and restrictions in place. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Outdoor social gatherings and organized public events with up to 100 people with limited exceptions
- Indoor social gatherings and organized public events with up to 25 people;
- Indoor sports and recreational fitness facilities to open subject to a maximum 50 per cent capacity of the indoor space
- Essential and non-essential retail with capacity limited to the number of people that can maintain a physical distance of two metre
- Indoor dining permitted with no limits on the number of patrons per table with physical distancing and other restrictions still in effect
For a full list of the regulations, please view the media release.
Face coverings in indoor public settings and physical distancing requirements remain in place throughout Step Three.
The Province will remain in Step Three of the Roadmap for at least 21 days and until 80 per cent of the eligible population aged 12 and over has received one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine and 75 per cent have received their second, with no public health unit having less than 70 per cent of their eligible population aged 12 and over fully vaccinated.
For more information on what's open and closed in Newmarket, visit
June 24: Newmarket enters Stage 2 of the Province of Ontario's reopening plan
dNewmarket along with the Province of Ontario will be entering stage 2 of the Roadmap to Reopen Plan on June 30 at 12:01. a.m. with key public health indicators continuing to improve and the provincewide vaccination rate targets continuing to rise.
Step Two of the Roadmap focuses on the resumption of more outdoor activities and limited indoor services with small numbers of people where face coverings are worn, with other restrictions in place.
This includes, but is not limited to:
- Outdoor social gatherings with up to 25 people;
- Outdoor public events with a capacity of 25 per cent of the designated space
- Outdoor fitness classes limited to the number of people who can maintain 3 metres of physical distance and more.
For a full list of regulations, please view the Province of Ontario's media release.
During Step Two, the Town will be offering Outdoor Group Fitness classes starting the week of July 5. There will be five different four-week sessions that will take place at the southwest outdoor green space at the Magna Centre. More information can be found at
June 9: What's open in Newmarket during the first step of the Province's reopening plan?
With the Province of Ontario entering Step One of Roadmap to Reopen on Friday, June 11, at 12:01 a.m., the Town of Newmarket is pleased to announce the reopening of the Outdoor Gorman Pool (424 D'arcy Street) on Saturday, June 12. The Frank Stronach Spray Pad has reopened to the public after undergoing repairs and its hours of operation are from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. The first step of the Province’s Roadmap to Reopen also allows non-essential retail stores to reopen with a 15 per cent capacity limit and outdoor dining on patios for up to four people with exceptions for larger households.
“With the Province of Ontario entering the first step of the Roadmap to Reopen plan ahead of schedule, we are very happy to be able to open the Outdoor Gorman Pool earlier than planned to help our community beat the heat this weekend.” says Mayor John Taylor.”
The Outdoor Gorman Pool will reopen to the public on Saturday, June 12 for public swim, parent and tot swim, inclusion swim and seniors swim in accordance with all Public Health and Safety procedures. Fitness classes such as aqua fit will resume on Monday, June 14. All participants must register ahead of time and registration for Saturday, June 12 time slots will be available on Friday, June 11 at 8 a.m. at
Registration for other dates will be available one day prior to the program date at 8 a.m. For more information on programs, schedules, registration information and how the Town is keeping participants safe, please visit
Beginning Friday, June 11, outdoor patios are permitted to reopen in Ontario. On Friday, the 34 approved outdoor eating spaces under the Town’s 2021 temporary patio program will be permitted to open. The temporary patio program allows for new and expanded patios on both Town lands and private property. Provincial regulations allow outdoor dining for up to four people per table with exceptions for larger households. The Town continues to work closely with local restaurants to provide a safe, socially distanced experience, compliant with all health and safety regulations.
All sport fields in Newmarket are permitted to reopen on Friday, June 11 for training purposes only (no games or scrimmages) as outlined in Step One of the Province’s Roadmap to Reopen. The Town continues to work with local community groups to issue permits.
“We know our local business owners and our community have been anxiously awaiting the reopening of patios and we are excited that day is just around the corner,” says Mayor John Taylor. “We have worked very closely with our local restaurants to ensure a very safe and smooth reopening. Working together, we had an incredibly successful patio program in 2020 and we look forward to continuing to Choose Local and supporting our restaurants, retailers and all Newmarket businesses, as we take some very positive steps forward on this journey.”
In Step One, outdoor gatherings are permitted for up to 10 people and the Province will remain in Step One for at least 21 days to evaluate any impacts on key public health and health system indicators.
The Town will continue to reopen more amenities to the public once the Province enters the Step Two and Step Three of the Roadmap to Reopen plan. Below is an estimated reopening plan for Newmarket with targeted reopening dates. Please note that the estimated dates below will be dependent on the Province lifting its restrictions.
May 21:Newmarket reopens outdoor amenities for residents to enjoy over the long weekend
Following the announcement by the Province of Ontario, the Town of Newmarket will be gradually reopening outdoor amenities for the community to enjoy over the long weekend. Starting Saturday, May 22 the following outdoor amenities will be open to the public:
All Town of Newmarket playgrounds and trails remain open for use.
"We are happy to announce the reopening of more much-needed outdoor recreational amenities to the public prior to the extended stay-at-home order," says Mayor John Taylor. "This was made possible due to the collective efforts of all Newmarket residents through high vaccination rates and the public's cooperation in following public health safety measures. The data we are receiving from York Region Public Health is getting better and better each day and it is only a matter of time before we can open more amenities to the public to enjoy. Please continue to stay vigilant and do your part to help stop the spread of COVID-19."
Outdoor limits for social gatherings and organized public events are limited to five people. This includes use with members of the same and different households.
In an effort to ensure the health and safety of all outdoor amenity users, the Town is reminding users to follow the rules posted at each location. If the rules aren't followed and safety cannot be assured, the Town will have no choice but to close the amenity within 24 hours.
Residents are reminded to be courteous and share the space with the community. Please limit the time spent at each amenity to ensure others have a chance to use it. If the amenity is busy, and physical distancing is not possible, please consider returning at a later time.
Trails in Newmarket
Trails in Newmarket may be busier this long weekend. Please be courteous and share the trails with all users (walkers, runners, cyclists etc.). Stay at least 6ft./2m. away from others and keep to the right and pass on the left.
Cyclists are reminded to use safe speeds, avoid cycling on busier paths, warn pedestrians by using your bell if you need to pass (slow down and pass at a lower speed) and to dismount and/or slow down at bridges.
Pet owners are reminded to keep their pets on a leash at all times and to pick up after your pet.
If the trails are busy and safe physical distancing cannot be maintained, consider going to another trail or returning at a later time. There are a vast number of trails nearby such as trails within the York Regional Forests. Learn more about other alternative trails in and around Newmarket at
Fireworks this long weekend
Residents are also reminded that the lighting of fireworks is not allowed on public property and this includes parks, sports fields or open spaces. Residents are only allowed to set off fireworks on their own private property, or with written permission from the property owner between the hours of 9:30 to 11 p.m. For more information, please view Central York Fire Service's fireworks safety tips.
Vaccination Update
York Region Public Health announced that starting Friday, May 21, those 12 years of age and older living, working or going to school in York Region can book a COVID-19 vaccine appointment. For more information on who is eligible and to book a vaccine appointment visit
For more information on COVID-19, visit York Region Public Health's website at or the Province of Ontario's website at
For more information on what's open in Newmarket, please visit
For more information and updates, visit or follow us on social media @TownofNewmarket on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
April 19: Newmarket closes some outdoor recreational amenities in response to the Province of Ontario's emergency brake shutdown
In response to the Province of Ontario’s new enhanced public health measures and enforcement announced today, the Town of Newmarket will be closing some outdoor amenities by 12:01 a.m. on Saturday, April 17, 2021 to the public in an effort to help slow down the spread of COVID-19. Outdoor amenities that will be closed include: outdoor fitness equipment, basketball courts, pickleball and tennis courts, sport fields and baseball diamonds.
With these new restrictions, the Province has also extended the stay-at-home order for an additional two weeks for a total of six weeks and outdoor gatherings are limited to those from the same household only.
"With the cases of COVID-19 continuing to rise and our healthcare workers and ICU doctors sounding the alarm bell, it's important that we take these restrictions very seriously and continue to follow public health guidelines," says Mayor John Taylor. "I know this pandemic continues to be extremely difficult for us all, but now is not the time to ease up. Please do your part by staying home as much as possible, being vigilant with physical distancing, wearing masks and handwashing."
As COVID-19 cases continue to rise and hospitals are at their breaking point, residents are encouraged to stay at home and only go out for essential trips such as medical appointments, groceries, work and exercise.
Newmarket's trails and green spaces remain open, however, residents are reminded to follow safe physical distancing rules, and to wear a mask if physical distancing becomes a challenge. If the trail is busy, consider going to another trail or returning at a later time.
Newmarket's Bylaw enforcement team will be patrolling our parks and trails to ensure residents are complying with the enhanced public health measures.
The Town strongly urges the community to continue to choose local and support local businesses through in-person shopping, curbside pick-up, online shopping, take-out and delivery options and by purchasing gift cards when possible. Please visit for more information.
The Town continues to offer alternative ways to serve the community. Our Customer Service associates are available Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to help guide and assist residents by emailing or calling 905-895-5193. For after-hours service, please call 905-895-5193 and press 3.
For more information on the what's open and closed in Newmarket, visit
For more information on COVID-19 in York Region, visit or
March 31: Newmarket reopens more outdoor amenities for residents to enjoy over the long weekend
In response to the Province of Ontario's emergency brake shutdown, by the end of the day today, the Town of Newmarket will be closing its indoor
recreational amenities at the Magna Centre which includes the Fitness Centre, the pool and the ice rinks for the next four weeks.
"The next month is going to be difficult for the community as we enter into the Province of Ontario's emergency brake shutdown," says Mayor John Taylor. "As COVID-19 cases, in particular, with the younger generation have been rising, we need to work together to help lessen the effects of this pandemic. If we want to support small businesses and keep the shutdown to only four weeks, we need to follow the guidelines now more than ever. Now is not the time to be seeing your friends or family outside of your household as our healthcare workers and ICU doctors are at their capacity limits. Please continue to do your part by staying home if possible, being vigilant with physical distancing, wearing masks and hand-washing."
Newmarket trails, parks and outdoor amenities will remain open with strict health and safety measures in place. As COVID-19 cases continue to rise among the younger population and in an effort to ensure the health and safety of all outdoor amenity users, the Town is reminding users to follow the rules posted at each location. If the rules aren't followed and safety cannot be assured, the Town will have no choice but to close the outdoor amenity within 24 hours.
While within the province-wide emergency brake shutdown, residents are encouraged to stay at home and only go out for essential purposes such as work, exercise, groceries, medical appointments etc. Indoor gatherings are only allowed with members of the same household while outdoor gatherings are limited to five (5) people while maintaining physical distancing of at least 6ft./2m at all times.
Essential stores remain open at 50% capacity, while other non-essential stores can remain open with a 25% capacity limit. Restaurants will be closed for in-person dining and patios will remain closed, while take-out and delivery options remain available. The Town will continue to work closely with local restaurants on the 2021 patio program to ensure patios are able to open when permitted to do so by the province.
The Town of Newmarket encourages all small businesses to apply for the Ontario Small Business Support grant which provides between $20,000 and $40,000 in funding to businesses impacted by the Province-wide shutdown. Businesses can also apply for the Main Street Relief Grant for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (available to micro businesses employing 2-19 people) and the Property Tax and Energy Cost Rebate grants. Applications close on April 7, 2021 and small businesses can apply online.
The Town strongly urges the community to continue to Choose Local and support local businesses through curbside pick-up, online shopping, take-out and delivery options and by purchasing gift cards when possible. Please visit for more information.
The Newmarket Public Library remains open with strict health and safety measures in place. Learn more by visiting
The Town continues to offer alternative ways to serve the community. Our Customer Service associates are available Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to help guide and assist residents by emailing or calling 905-895-5193. For after-hours service, please call 905-895-5193 and press 3.
COVID-19 Resources
For more information on the what's open and closed in Newmarket, visit
For more information on COVID-19 in York Region, visit or
March 31: Newmarket reopens more outdoor amenities for residents to enjoy over the long weekend
With the long weekend and warm weather just around the corner, the Town of Newmarket is beginning to reopen more outdoor amenities to the public, with the majority expected to be reopened by the weekend. As COVID-19 cases continue to rise among the younger population and in an effort to ensure the health and safety of all outdoor amenity users, the Town is reminding users to follow the rules posted at each location. If the rules aren’t followed and safety cannot be assured, the Town will have no choice but to close the amenity within 24 hours.
“We are beginning to notice large gatherings at some outdoor amenities, in particular, basketball courts,” says Mayor John Taylor. “It’s important that our residents go outside for much-needed recreational activities, however, it’s even more important that the rules posted at each location as it relates to physical distancing and social gatherings are followed. If safety cannot be maintained, we will have to make the difficult decision to close the amenity within 24 hours.”
Residents are reminded to follow the rules posted at each location, to use these amenities at their own risk and to be courteous and share the space with the community. Please limit the time spent at each amenity to ensure others have a chance to use it. If the amenity is busy, and physical distancing is not possible, please consider returning at a later time.
Please follow the rules posted at each location for the following amenities:
Basketball Courts
No games or league play allowed
Social gathering rules as set out by the Province of Ontario must be followed
Safe physical distancing of at least 6ft./2m. must be followed at all times
Please wear a mask or face covering if safe physical distancing cannot be maintained
Please share this space with the community
Tennis and Pickleball Courts (majority will be open by the weekend)
Please share this space with the community and limit the time play to 45 minutes or less
Social gathering rules as set out by the Province of Ontario must be followed
Safe physical distancing of at least 6ft./2m. must be followed at all times
Please wear a mask or face covering if safe physical distancing cannot be maintained
Please wash/sanitize your hands after opening and closing the gate
Playgrounds and outdoor fitness equipment
Please share this space with the community
Please sanitize your hands after visiting the playground or using the outdoor fitness equipment
Safe physical distancing of at least 6ft./2m. must be followed at all times
Please wear a mask or face covering if safe physical distancing cannot be maintained
Social gathering rules as set out by the Province of Ontario must be followed
Global Pet Foods Newmarket Dog Park presented by Snapd
Social gathering rules and capacity limits for each park must be followed
Safe physical distancing of at least 6ft./2m. must be followed at all times
Please wear a mask or face covering if safe physical distancing cannot be maintained
Please sanitize your hands after opening and closing the gate
Please remember to pick-up after your pet
Newmarket’s trail system
The Town offers over 44km of walking and bike trails linking more than 20km of trails from the Town of East Gwillimbury through to the Town of Aurora. Be courteous and share the trails with all users (walkers, runners, cyclist etc.). Stay at least 6ft./2m. away from others, keep to the right and pass on the left.
Cyclists are reminded to use safe speeds, avoid cycling on busier paths, warn pedestrians by using your bell if you need to pass (slow down and pass at a lower speed) and to dismount and/or slow down at bridges.
Pet owners are reminded to keep their pets on a leash at all times and to pick up after your pet.
If the trails are busy and safe physical distancing cannot be maintained, consider going to another trail or returning at a later time. There are a vast number of trails nearby such as trails within the York Regional Forests. Learn more about other alternative trails in and around Newmarket at
For more information on what’s open in Newmarket, please visit
March 11: Newmarket commemorates National Day of Observance for Canadians who have lost their lives to COVID-19
Flags at all Newmarket facilities and buildings are flying at half-mast on March 11 for the National Day of Observance for COVID-19. As this week marks the one-year anniversary of the World Health Organization's declaration of a global pandemic we take a moment on this National Day of Observance to honour those we have lost to the COVID-19 virus and reflect on the impact it has had in Newmarket and beyond.
"Today we take a pause to think about all those in our Newmarket community, our country and around the world who have lost their lives to COVID-19," says Mayor John Taylor. "These are our friends, neighbours, family members and loved ones. Today we honour and commemorate their lives and we stand united with their families, while we remember their everlasting legacies. The best thing we can do to honour those we have lost is to continue to work together, be strong and follow the public health guidelines."
As of March 9, 2021 the Town of Newmarket has had over 1,600 confirmed cases of COVID-19, and unfortunately 37 of those resulted in deaths.
Newmarket reminds residents to do their part and help break the chain of transmission. Practice physical distancing and stay at least 6ft. (2m. apart) from other people to help limit the spread of COVID-19.
For more information on COVID-19 in Newmarket, please visit For further information on COVID-19 in York Region, please visit
March 9: Outdoor skating at Riverwalk Commons is closed for the season
Outdoor skating at Newmarket’s Riverwalk Commons and at the Community Rinks are now closed for the season. Newmarket thanks all residents who skated this season while navigating the pandemic and the changing rules and regulations. The Town is currently working on providing indoor public skating to the public and will provide an update in the coming weeks.
With two ice surfaces at the Ray Twinney Recreation Complex being used to support vaccination efforts in partnership with Southlake Regional Health Centre, Newmarket is working closely with our municipal neighbours to provide additional ice pads for community use.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly been very challenging to navigate as we work to ensure we are providing the community with much-needed recreation opportunities, while supporting the Region’s efforts in vaccination.” says Mayor John Taylor. “We want to sincerely thank our neighbours in Aurora and East Gwillimbury for their partnership. This level of municipal collaboration is simply outstanding and a shining example of how we can all work together to provide public service in unprecedented times.”
In the spirit of being neighbourly, the Towns of Aurora and East Gwillimbury both offered to help, recognizing the importance of the Town’s vaccination efforts to neighbouring municipalities and the need to provide recreational opportunities to the Newmarket community. At this time, the Town of Aurora is offering a dedicated ice pad at the Aurora Family Leisure Centre for Newmarket user groups such as minor hockey and figure skating. Once the needs of the user groups are met, the Town will look at accommodating public skating and private rentals.
As the seasons transition into spring and the summer, the outdoor Gorman pool will be opening this season and the Town is exploring options to provide modified summer camps and special events to the community. Camp registration is anticipated to begin in May and more information will be communicated as plans are finalized.
Currently recreational activities like the Fitness Centre and pool at the Magna Centre, pickleball (Quaker park), outdoor tennis (Keith Davis Tennis Centre), the dog park, playgrounds and trails are open to the public with existing health and safety measures in place.
For more information on COVID-19 in Newmarket, please visit, for information on what is open and what is closed in Newmarket, please visit For further information on COVID-19 in York Region, please visit
February 26: Newmarket facilities to begin reopening next week as Town responds to move into red-control zone
The Town of Newmarket is pleased to move forward with a reopening plan in response to last week's provincial announcement that Newmarket is now within the red-control zone of the Province's reopening framework. The Town's reopening plan continues to provide safe recreation opportunities and events to the community, while also balancing the significant financial impacts of COVID-19.
"The main goal when making these service level decisions was to do everything that we can to support physical activity for youth and the community," says Mayor John Taylor. "We've had to make some tough choices in order to find some savings but at the end of the day, the Town is committed to providing much-needed recreational options and modified events that we can all enjoy safely. We will continue to seek support from other levels of government to limit the financial impacts of COVID-19 as much as possible."
The following facilities and services will reopen/resume with strict health and safety measures in place in accordance with public health measures.
The Manga Centre pool is scheduled to reopen on March 8. Patrons will be required to register for their swim session in advance. Reservations can be booked one day in advance at 9 a.m. at
The Outdoor Gorman Pool will reopen this season. More details will be provided closer to the reopening date.
The pool at the Ray Twinney Recreation Complex will remain closed until further notice. The decision to potentially reopen the facility will be revisited in May.
Fitness Centre at the Magna Centre
The Fitness Center at the Magna Centre is scheduled to reopen on March 8. Reservations are required. Residents can register for timeslot at the Fitness Centre one day in advance as of 9 a.m. at
Ice Rinks
The Town is committing to operating four ice pads this season for various user groups. Two rinks at the Magna Centre are now available for use and a third rink will be available at the Magna Centre beginning next week. The Town is currently working on plans to add a fourth rink in the near future.
Summer Camps and Special Events
The Town is currently exploring options to provide modified summer camps and special events to the community. Camp registration is anticipated to begin in May. Additional details will be communicated as plans are finalized.
Newmarket Public Library
The Newmarket Public Library is gradually reopening for in-person services on March 16 with strict health and safety measures in place. Access to public computer workstations will be permitted for an hour at a time. In-person membership services for issuing and renewing library cards will also be available. As health restrictions ease more services will be added while ensuring the safety of everyone. For more information, please visit
Other outdoor recreation amenities
Outdoor recreation activities that are currently open like skating at Riverwalk Commons, Pickleball (Quaker Park) and tennis (Keith Davis Tennis Centre - outdoor) will remain open with existing health and safety measures in place.
Changes in service to limit the financial impact of COVID-19
In an effort to limit the financial impacts of COVID-19, the Town will be moving forward with the following service updates. With the updated services noted below, it is expected that the Town will save approximately $500,000 to $600,000 this year. Service changes include:
- Reverting back to the three-bag garbage limit as of April 6, 2021.
- At the beginning of the pandemic a temporary five garbage bag limit was put in place to assist residents who were staying at home. This was put in place as a temporary measure and in an effort to reduce costs, as of April 6, the Town will be reverting back to the bi-weekly three bag garbage limit. Garbage bag tags are available for purchase if additional bags/items are required. For more information visit
- Reducing tree plantings this year by 50%
- Last year, the Town of Newmarket planted 500+ trees to help expand Newmarket's tree canopy and is well within the goals set out in the Urban Forestry Management Plan. As such, the Town will reduce tree planting efforts this year by 50% to assist with the financial impact of COVID-19. The reduction in tree planting will not affect tree plantings for trees that were previously removed and need to be replanted.
- Reducing the grass cutting frequency and catch basin cleaning
- Grass cutting will take place once every 10 working days and open spaces and sport fields will take place once every 5 working days.
- Catch basin cleaning by the Town will be reduced by 50%. Residents will not be affected by this service change as the Town's catch basins are in excellent condition.
- Postponing playground equipment replacement and rehabilitation has been deferred for 2021. As a result, no playgrounds will be closed for construction this year.
- The Town's playground equipment continues to be inspected frequently to ensure it is safe for use and will not be significantly impacted by this postponement as the equipment is in good shape.
The Town will continue to work closely with York Region Public Health and take direction from the Province of Ontario as we try to help limit the spread of COVID-19. Additional updates will be provided as more information becomes available.
For more information on COVID-19 in Newmarket, please visit, for information on what is open and what is closed in Newmarket, please visit For further information on COVID-19 in York Region, please visit
February 19: Province announces York Region, including Newmarket, will to Red-Control zone on Monday, February 22
This afternoon the Province of Ontario announced that York Region will move to the Red-Control zone of the Provincial Reopening Framework on Monday, February 22. The province made the decision to move York Region back into the Framework at the Red-Control level based on general improvements of key indicators. York Region will no longer be subject to the stay-at-home order, however Public Health has strongly advised people to continue to stay at home and avoid social gatherings to help limit the spread of COVID-19.
The Town of Newmarket is happy to move forward with a reopening plan and begin to offer increased services, amenities and programs to the community in the near future. Town of Newmarket services and facilities that are currently closed or cancelled will not immediately resume the week of February 22, as the Town continues to finalize plans for the safe reopening of facilities, amenities and programs. The Town will provide an update on the overall plans and timelines for reopening next week.
“As Newmarket moves forward into the Red-Control zone beginning next week, we look forward to welcoming our community back into some of our facilities in the very near future and to gradually begin to resume some safe programming and events that we have all greatly missed. We are excited for the reopening of our restaurants and small businesses who have faced great challenges and continue to amaze us with their perseverance and innovation,” says Newmarket Mayor John Taylor. “I can’t stress enough that we must proceed with caution, it is crucial that we continue to follow all Public Health guidelines, so that we hopefully don’t have to face another shutdown in the coming weeks and months. I’m so proud of how our community has come together throughout these unbelievably challenging times and look forward to a light and the end of the tunnel.”
Outdoor recreation activities that are currently open like skating at Riverwalk Commons and other community outdoor rinks, Pickleball (Quaker Park) and tennis (Keith Davis Tennis Centre - outdoor) will remain open with existing health and safety measures in place. For information on what is currently open and closed in Newmarket, please visit
Under the red-control zone, restaurants are permitted to open for indoor dining and retail, gyms and hair salons are permitted to reopen, all with reduced capacity and strict guidelines in place.
Outdoor gatherings with a maximum of 25 people and indoor gatherings with a maximum of 5 people are also permitted in the red zone. Weddings and religious services can resume with 30 per cent indoor capacity and no more than 100 people outdoors. For more information please refer to the Provincial Reopening Framework.
Support for Local Businesses
The Town urges the community to continue to support local businesses by Choosing Local. Visit the Town’s online shopping directory to easily search for and support Newmarket businesses all in one place at
Local businesses seeking guidance and support in continuing to navigate the COVID-19 landscape can contact the Town’s Business Assistance Concierge at for assistance.
The Town will continue to work closely with York Region Public Health and take direction from the Province of Ontario as we try to help limit the spread of COVID-19. Additional updates will be provided as more information becomes available.
For more information on COVID-19 in Newmarket, please visit, for information on what is open and what is closed in Newmarket, please visit For further information on COVID-19 in York Region, please visit
February 18: Newmarket activates its warming facility at the Ray Twinney Recreation Complex.
Due to cold temperatures, the Town of Newmarket has activated and continues to provide its warming facility at the Ray Twinney Recreation Complex (100 Eagle Street West) main lobby to assist those in need. This warming facility will be open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. until further notice. Those who require assistance outside of these hours can reach out to York Region's Transitional Shelter by calling 1-877-464-9675 or emailing
Please note that the rest of the building will not be open to the public and there will be a maximum capacity of 10 people in accordance with regulations set out by Public Health and the Province of Ontario.
Residents who are using the warming facility must follow public health guidelines by practicing proper hand hygiene, wearing a mask or face covering and staying at least 6ft./2m. away from others using the facility (physical distancing) at all times.
Residents will be screened by staff when they arrive and asked to sanitize their hands and wear a mask / face covering before entering. Disposable masks will be provided if they do not have one.
Residents who wish to use the warming facility are also asked to participate in a self-health screening process prior to entering the building. Those who have any of the symptoms of COVID-19 (noted below) are asked to refrain from entering the building and to seek assessment and testing as early as possible at a Newmarket's COVID-19 Assessment Centre at Southlake Regional Health Centre (596 Davis Drive).
Symptoms can include but are not limited to:
Other symptoms can include:
Sore throat or difficulty swallowing
New smell or taste disorder(s)
Nausea / vomiting, diarrhea or abdominal pain
Runny nose, or nasal congestion (unrelated to seasonal allergies, post nasal drip etc.)
Programming and support for those in need
York Region continues to offer various support services and emergency and transitional housing for those experiencing homelessness in York Region.
York Region is offering a new Drop-by Program in Newmarket in partnership with Inn From the Cold, Krasman Centre and Town of Newmarket. The program provides vital services and supports to people experiencing or at risk of homelessness within a safe and warm environment. Learn more about what is being offered at this drop-in program. Those looking for additional assistance can contact Inn from the Cold at 905-895-8889 or York Region's Outreach Team at 1-866-553-4053.
For more information on general COVID-19 information, visit For more information on how to protect yourself against extreme heat, visit Health Canada's website.
For more information on Newmarket's warming station, call 905-895-5193 or visit
January 29: Newmarket opens a section of the Ray Twinney Recreation Complex to help those in need stay warm.
Due to the forecasted cold temperatures, the Town of Newmarket opened a temporary warming facility today in the Ray Twinney Recreation Complex (100 Eagle Street West) main lobby to assist those in need. This warming facility will be open today (January 29, 2021) until 4 p.m. Those who require assistance outside of today and these hours can reach out to York Region’s Transitional Shelter by calling 1-877-464-9675 or emailing
Please note that the rest of the building will not be open to the public and there will be a maximum capacity of 10 people in accordance with regulations set out by Public Health and the Province of Ontario.
Residents who are using the warming station must follow public health guidelines by practicing proper hand hygiene, wearing a mask or face covering and staying at least 6ft./2m. away from others using the facility (physical distancing) at all times.
Residents will be screened by staff when they arrive and asked to sanitize their hands and wear a mask / face covering before entering. Disposable masks will be provided if they do not have one.
Residents who wish to use the warming station are also asked to participate in a self-health screening process prior to entering the building. Those who have any of the symptoms of COVID-19 (noted below) are asked to refrain from entering the building and to seek assessment and testing as early as possible at a Newmarket’s COVID-19 Assessment Centre at Southlake Regional Health Centre (596 Davis Drive).
Symptoms can include but are not limited to:
Fever (temperature of 37.8 degree celsius or greater)
New or worsening cough
Shortness of breath
Other symptoms can include:
Sore throat or difficulty swallowing
New smell or taste disorder(s)
Nausea / vomiting, diarrhea or abdominal pain
Runny nose, or nasal congestion (unrelated to seasonal allergies, post nasal drip etc.)
Programming and support for vulnerable population
York Region continues to offer various support services and emergency and transitional housing for those experiencing homelessness in York Region. The Town is working with York Region and Inn From the Cold to offer daytime programming for those in need at the Ray Twinney Complex. This daily drop-in program is anticipated to open in early February. Those looking for additional assistance can contact Inn from the Cold at 905-895-8889 or York Region’s Outreach Team at 1-866-553-4053.
For more information on general COVID-19 information, visit For more information on how to protect yourself against extreme heat, visit Health Canada’s website.
For more information on Newmarket’s warming station, call 905-895-5193 or visit
January 21: Newmarket continues to support residents and businesses during the pandemic with new financial relief measures
Town of Newmarket Mayor and Members of Council introduced a new Financial Relief Program that will replace the existing 2020 program that is set to expire on January 31, 2021. The purpose of the new Financial Relief Program is to provide a more targeted approach to residents and businesses who are experiencing financial challenges during the pandemic.
The new Financial Relief Program for 2021 will include:
Waiving penalties and interest on unpaid property taxes for eligible residential property owners (through an application process);
Increasing the existing property tax assistance rebate to elderly residents from $320 to $450;
Increasing the existing residential water and waste water rebate from $354 to $420; and,
Providing a water rebate of $1,000 for eligible small businesses (through an application process)
"It's important that we as a municipality continue to support our residents, elderly residents, and small local businesses that have been significantly impacted by the pandemic," says Mayor John Taylor. "This innovative Financial Relief Program, coupled with existing provincial and municipal financial measures ensures a fair and targeted approach to support community members who are most in need. If your finances are not significantly impacted by COVID-19, we encourage you to please continue to pay your taxes, hydro and utility bills on time if you can. This will help the Town as we continue to use our resources to support those who require assistance."
Eligible residential property owners who wish to have penalties and interest waived on unpaid property taxes will be required to apply through the Town of Newmarket. Eligible applicants must:
Be a residential property owner in Newmarket;
Have suffered significant reduced hours, job loss or significant loss of income as a result of the pandemic. Property owners will be required to provide documents to support hardship (e.g. letter from employer, Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB), Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB), Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit (CRCB) or Employment Insurance benefit (EI) eligibility letter; and,
Designate one (1) residential property for financial relief
Applications will begin to be accepted the first week of February and will be available online at
Low-income elderly residents who qualified for the Federal Guaranteed Income Supplement were eligible to apply for a property tax rebate of $320 in 2020. In the new Financial Relief Program, the Town will temporarily increase this rebate from $320 to $450 in 2021.
The Town offers eligible residents a water and waste water rebate if they qualify for the Guaranteed Income Supplement under the Old Age Security Act, support under the Ontario Disability Program or Ontario Works Assistance. As part of the 2021 Financial Relief Program, the Town will be increasing the water and waste water rebate from $354 to $420 a year.
With the Province of Ontario offering property tax and energy bill rebates (Hydro and Gas) to businesses that are affected by the Provincial lockdown, Mayor and Members of Council wanted to also assist small local businesses further by offering a $1,000 rebate on their water bill. This temporary rebate will be available to eligible small businesses in 2021 as long as the utility account is identified as non-residential (ICI account) and their water meter size is less than 2 inches. Eligible small business tenants can also receive this rebate if the utility account is registered under their name. The Town recognizes that the criteria used to define small businesses for this rebate program may not include all small businesses in Newmarket. However, in order to reduce administration cost and to ensure that this assistance reaches as many businesses as possible, in the shortest amount of time, this definition was used. The Town will ask all landlords who receive this rebate to commit to passing the savings on to their small business tenants, where applicable.
All eligible local businesses will see a $100 rebate on their February water bill. Businesses who wish to continue to receive this rebate will be required to submit an application to the Town before March 5, 2021. An application form will be included with the February water bill and available online in February at
In addition to the Financial Relief Program, the Town has a number of plans in place to support the community as a whole and particularly the most vulnerable in the community through a variety of programs and partnerships. The business community is also being strongly supported through the creation of the Business Assistance Concierge (BAC) program (a virtual business support and resiliency centre), an overall Economic Resiliency Action Plan, and the Choose Local campaign.
If you have any questions on the Financial Relief Program or the Town's response to COVID-19, please contact the Town of Newmarket at 905-895-5193 or email
January 14: Newmarket reopens outdoor skating with enhanced safety measures
On January 13, the Town of Newmarket temporarily closed all outdoor skating and community rinks and suspended tobogganing for 48 hours in order to seek further clarification from the Province of Ontario about the stay-at-home order. The Town has heard back from the Province of Ontario and would like to thank them for their guidance. As a result, the Town will be reopening all outdoor skating, community rinks and allow for tobogganing in Newmarket with new enhanced measures to prevent against COVID-19. Residents can register for skating at Riverwalk Commons tonight (Thursday, January 14, 2021) at for a time slot on Friday, January 15, 2021.
"I want to thank Premier Ford for responding to me directly and quickly with clarification related to tobogganing and skating and he has assured me that both activities are allowable. We are able to re-open both activities immediately and in time for the PD day tomorrow," says Mayor John Taylor. "Newmarket will add enhanced protocols and supervision to ensure that these activities take place in the safest manner possible. We are pleased to continue to provide outdoor opportunities for our residents to stay active, healthy and safe during these difficult times."
Outdoor Skating in Newmarket
New measures for outdoor skating at the Tim Hortons Skating Feature at Riverwalk Commons (200 Doug Duncan Drive):
- All skaters must register in advance at to participate in outdoor skating
NEW! Residents can book their spot online one day in advance starting at 9 a.m.
NEW! No walk-ins or stand-by spots will be available in an effort to limit crowds gathering at Riverwalk Commons
NEW! All skaters must wear a mask while waiting in line and while skating on the ice
- All skaters must maintain at least 6ft./2m apart from others outside of their household at all times
- Hours of operation remain at 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.
- Capacity limits remain at 25 people per skating session
New measures for outdoor skating at community rinks:
- Follow the rules posted at Lions Park
NEW! All skaters must wear a mask while waiting in line and while skating on the ice
- All skaters must maintain at least 6ft./2m apart from others outside of their household at all times
- Capacity limits remain at 25 people per skating session
Newmarket staff will be monitoring the community rinks to ensure rules set out by Public Health are followed and adhered to.
Tobogganing in Newmarket
The Town of Newmarket does not have any designated hills for tobogganing and does not maintain any areas for winter activities. Please use outdoor areas at your own risk and follow these guidelines:
Users must:
- Check the hill. Make sure it is free of hazards (trees, rocks, fences, bumps)
- Avoid ice-covered areas
- Make sure there is room at the bottom of the hill to stop – away from roads, or bodies of water
- Use proper sliding equipment and wear a helmet (ski helmets are recommended)
- Make sure your route is clear before sliding
- All children should be supervised by an adult
- Only toboggan with members of the same household
- Maintain 6ft./2m. at all times from others
- It is recommended that users wear a mask when tobogganing
Newmarket's By-law officers will be patrolling all parks to educate residents on the above noted safety tips and to ensure residents practice safe physical distancing at all times.
Newmarket trails, parks and playgrounds are open and residents are encouraged to use them while following all health and safety measures as outlined by the Province. Residents are reminded to wear a face mask or covering when in enclosed public spaces or when physical distancing of at least 6ft./2m. is not possible (indoor and outdoor) and wash your hands frequently.
The Newmarket Public Library remains open for contactless curbside pickup. No in-person services will be available at this time. Learn more by visiting
The Town continues to adapt its business practices in alternative ways so that we can continue to serve the community during these challenging times. For more information on how to access these services, residents can call our Customer Service associates from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 905-895-5193 or by emailing For after-hours service, please call 905-895-5193 and press 3.
COVID-19 Resources:
For more information on the what’s open and closed in Newmarket, visit
For more information on COVID-19 in York Region, visit or
January 13: Newmarket temporarily closes all outdoor skating and community rinks until the Town seeks further clarification on stay-at-home orders from the Province of Ontario
The Province of Ontario recently declared a state of emergency and issued a stay-at-home order requiring everyone to remain at home with exceptions for essential purposes, such as going to the grocery store or pharmacy, accessing health care services, for exercise or for essential work. This order will be in effect as of Thursday, January 14, 2021 at 12:01 a.m. Details of the new regulations have not been released by the Province of Ontario. As we seek further clarification and interpret the available information to the best of our ability, the Town will be temporarily closing all outdoor skating and community rinks as well as suspending tobogganing for the next 48 hours. More information will be provided when it becomes available.
Newmarket trails, parks and playgrounds will remain open and residents are encouraged to use them while following all health and safety measures as outlined by the Province. Residents are reminded to wear a face mask or covering when in enclosed public spaces or when physical distancing of at least 6ft./2m. is not possible (indoor and outdoor) and wash your hands frequently.
"The next 28 days are going to be extremely difficult as we try to unite as a community and bring down the COVID-19 numbers by adhering to the new regulations, " says Mayor John Taylor. "As difficult as it will be we all must make our strongest effort possible to avoid close contact with others and adhere to the guidelines. The new data tells us that our seniors' lives are at stake and our hospitals could be overwhelmed – this is not an effort to scare people it is quite simply what the data is telling us. However, we also know that we must stay active and healthy both physically and mentally and that is why I continue to encourage people to get outdoors daily on our trails and in our parks. Our Council would like to provide opportunities to be active, especially for our children, but we feel at this time that the direction on skating and tobogganing is not clear and for that reason we are suspending those activities for 48 hours while we seek clarity from the Province. Please respect our Bylaw Officers and work with us as we try to work our way through another difficult time. A united community is a strong community – and Newmarket is a strong community!".
During the state of emergency and stay-at-home orders, indoor organized public events and social gatherings are not permitted, except with members of the same household. Outdoor organized public events or social gatherings are limited to a maximum of five (5) people so that individuals and families can enjoy time outdoors safely.
The Newmarket Public Library remains open for contactless curbside pickup. No in-person services will be available at this time. Learn more by visiting
Indoor and outdoor dining remains prohibited and take-out and delivery options are permitted. Retail stores can operate for curbside pick-up and delivery between the hours of 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., with some exceptions. The Town strongly urges the community to continue to shop local and support local businesses through curbside pick-up, online shopping, take-out and delivery options and by purchasing gift cards when possible. Please visit for more info.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, the Town has been continuously adapting our business practices in alternative ways so that we can continue to serve the community during these challenging times. For more information on how to access these services, residents can call our Customer Service associates from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 905-895-5193 or by emailing For after-hours service, please call 905-895-5193 and press 3.
COVID-19 Resources:
For more information on the what’s open and closed in Newmarket, visit
For more information on COVID-19 in York Region, visit or