Mulock Station Area Secondary Plan

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Municipal Office

395 Mulock Drive P.O. Box 328 Station Main, Newmarket, Ontario
L3Y 4X7

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Background Information

The Provincial government announced the planned Mulock GO Station in June, 2017.  Following this announcement, Newmarket Council committed to implementing a transit-supportive planning regime around the station, with the goal being to determine the highest and best long-term land uses and densities around the station. The Mulock Station Area Secondary Plan fulfills this commitment.

It should be noted that the delivery of the GO station is a separate project led by Metrolinx. In December 2018, Metrolinx Board approved a market-driven approach to deliver new stations. Each new station, including the future Mulock GO station, would be completed in partnership with third-parties in exchange for certain development rights around, and/or over, each station. Despite the change in station delivery approach, the Town continues to prepare the Secondary Plan to provide policy framework that will support transit-oriented development in the area. 

Project Boundary

The future Mulock GO Station is proposed to be located at the intersection of the railway line and Mulock Drive. The Secondary Plan area includes the future Mulock GO Station site and extends to lands just east of Bayview Avenue, west as far as Cane Parkway on the north side of Mulock Drive and to the edge of the Urban Centres Secondary Plan area on the south side of Mulock Drive. See the map below for more detail.

Map of Mulock GO Station Area - Along Mulock between Bayview and Yonge

Upcoming Meeting

Statutory Public Meeting - To Be Determined

Past Public Input Opportunities & Presentations

Previous public input opportunities are listed below:

In addition, this project is featured on the Hey Newmarket public engagement site. Click on the icon below to share your thoughts.

logo for HeyNewmarket webpage

Background Documents

Draft Secondary Plan

Contact Information

For more information please contact Andria Sallese, Senior Policy Planner, Planning and Building Services, at 905-895-5193 or email