In May 2022, Council adopted OPA 32 which changed the land usedesignation for the majority of 16250, 16353, and 16450 Yonge Street. The purpose of Amendment 32 was to establish permissions for urban land uses on the subject lands and to set the policy framework for future development of a new community through a Secondary Plan. OPA 32 set the high-level goals for the proposed Shining Hill community with a focus on three guiding principles: 1) Housing Affordability, 2) Addressing Climate Change, 3) Community Focused Design to reduce car dependency. The OPA 32 document is available here.

The next phase of the project is a second Official Plan Amendment which creates the required Secondary Plan. The application to create the Secondary Plan was deemed complete in August 2024. Throughout 2023 & 2024, a series of consultations were conducted to inform a comprehensive and inclusive Secondary Plan for the area, including several meetings with residents, the Kick-Off and Visioning PIC #1 in June 2023, PIC #2 in October 2023 and PIC #3 in April 2024. There will be a statutory Public Meeting in the future and notice will be provided in accordance with the Planning Act.
Please visit shininghillsecondaryplan.ca for additional information and to sign up to receive future notifications directly.
To access the submission material, please visit our Current Application Map and click on the subject lands.
For more information or to obtain a copy of Official Plan Amendment 32, please contact Planning Services of the Town of Newmarket at planning@newmarket.ca
Proposal Details