Planning Documents and Application Forms

A cut-out picture from the Zoning By-Law.


Planning Department

395 Mulock Dr, Newmarket, ON
L3Y 4X7
(905) 953-5321

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Below you can find a list of relevant planning documents. You can download the documents directly or visit the website that corresponds with the document under "More information".

​​Planning Documents

Official Plan
The Official Plan is the guiding policy for growth and development in Newmarket.
Urban Centres Secondary Plan
The Secondary Plan​ is the guiding policy for the redevelopment and intensification of Yonge Street & Davis Drive Urban Centres.
Zoning Bylaws
Municipal Documents                       ​           Description

More Information

Community Improvement PlanRevitalization plan for the downtown area.
Woodlot Bylaw 2007-71
Protects small urban woodlots on private property. Tree Policy and Woodlot By-law
Tree Preservation Protection Replacement & Enhancement Policy​

Protects significant trees in Newmarket during the development approval process. (See also: Tree Report Form)

Tree Policy and Woodlot By-law

Site Plan Approval Process Manual​​

Explains Newmarket's site plan process and submission requirements. Includes the Development Standards Checklists.  Site Plans/Site Plan Approval Process
Heritage Conservation District PlanDocument guiding development in the Heritage Conservation District Heritage Conservation Planning/Heritage Conservation District Plan
Planning Fees
​Fees of the Planning Department under the Town's Fees and Charges By-law ​Fees and Charges
Properties Designated under Part IV of the Heritage Act​​ List of properties are designated due to their cultural and architectural heritage value.​ Heritage Conservation Planning/Heritage Registry
Development Planners - Coverage Areas
​A map showing the areas of Newmarket each development planner is responsible for. 
​Current Applications Map
​Subdivision Development Process Guidelines
​A manual that explains the Subdivision Development Process requirements, procedures, agreements, and registration. 

​​Street Patio Program
​​For a seasonal outdoor patio located on Town-owned lands or private lands

​​Application Forms​​

Municipal Documents                                   Description

More Information

Add​r​ess Change Request Form​​
​A form for requests to change municipal addresses. ​Address Changes
Preliminary Meeting Application Form
Application form for a Preliminary meeting with Staff regarding a proposed development application.Planning Applications/Planning Process
Planning Ap​plication Form
Application form for Official Plan Amendments, Zoning By-law Amendments, Draft Plan of Subdivision, Draft Plan of Condominium, Site Plan Approval, Amendment to Site Plan Approval and Part Lot Control. Planning Applications/Planning Process
Tree Report Form
Required during development approvals process.
Tree Policy and Woodlot By-law
Consent Application Form​​
Application form to fill for a consent to sever (i.e. creating a new lot or easement). Committees and Boards/Committee of Adjustment
Minor Variance Application Form​Application form to fill out to apply for a small variance to the Zoning By-law.
Committees and Boards/Committee of Adjustment