Business Licensing


Municipal Office

395 Mulock Drive P.O. Box 328 Station Main, Newmarket, Ontario
L3Y 4X7

Email Us

New for 2025 - Newmarket implemented a Municipal Accommodation Tax (MAT) in 2025. This new tax will apply to all short-term rentals, as well as hotels and motels, within the municipality. For more details visit the Municipal Accommodation Tax (MAT). 

The Town of Newmarket issues a number of business licences, listed below. Business licences are issued annually and must be renewed by the business by January 1, 2025.  Please contact the Town of Newmarket at 905-895-5193 ext. 2221 or for information, support or to request a hard copy of the application you require.

The Town of Newmarket Licenses various types of business including: 

  • Adult Entertainment Parlours
  • Adult Video Stores
  • Carnivals
  • Clothing Donation Bins
  • Fireworks 
  • Hawkers and Pedlars,
  • Newspaper Boxes
  • Outdoor Serving Areas
  • Personal Wellness Establishments
  • Pet Stores
  • Short Term Rentals (Air BnB, VRBO etc)
  • Second-Hand Goods
  • Mobile Businesses
    • Taxicab companies
    • Transportation Network Companies (e.g. Uber, Lyft)
    • Driving School Instructors 
    • Refreshment vehicles
    • Limousine Companies

For more information and to complete an application please see below:
 Temporary Outdoor Patio Program

On December 11, 2023, the Town of Newmarket implemented a new Temporary Patio Program Policy to provide framework and provisions for the establishment and operation of Temporary Patios by eating establishments within the Town of Newmarket.

Temporary Patio Policy

Application Period for Temporary Patios on Town Property: January 1st- February 1st

If your establishment is interested in participating, we encourage you to submit your application within the specified window.

Temporary Patio Application 

Completed applications can be submitted by email to, or dropped off at the Municipal Offices located at 395 Mulock Dr.

Adult Entertainment Parlours
An Adult Enterntainment Parlour means any business or part of a business which provides goods or services appealing to or designed to appeal to erotic or sexual appetites or inclinations, such as a strip club. 
  • All owners, operators and entertainers of adult entertainment parlours must obtain a licence to operate in the Town of Newmarket.
  • An owner is a person who owns or leases a location for operation of an adult entertainment parlour,
  • An operator is a person who manages, supervises or runs an adult entertainment parlour,
  • An entertainer is anyone who provides services designed to appeal to erotic or sexual appetites at an adult entertainment parlour. 

Owner/Operators License:

  • is valid for six months 
  • must be renewed by completing a new application 
  • may not be transferred to another person
  • is valid for only a single location

Entertainer's License:

  • is valid for one year
  • must be renewed annually

Completed Applications can be emailed to

Adult Entertainment Parlours Application (For owners and owner / operators)

Adult Entertainment Entertainer Applicaton

The summary below is provided for convenience only and is not comprehensive. For the full regulations please see the Licensing By-law.

Summary of Regulations:

  • all owner/operators shall obtain a licence and ensure that all entertainers providing services are licenced
  • no physical contact is permitted between any entertainer and any person 
  • any owner/operator who moves must notify the Licensing Officer of their change of address
  • every owner/operator must keep records or books of account which includes the following information:
    • the legal name of the entertainer
    • address of each entertainer
    • date of start of employment of each entertainer
    • amount paid to each entertainer
  • each adult entertainment parlour must: 
    • have adequate light and ventilation
    • washed and kept in sanitary condition
    • have adequate washroom facilities 
Adult Video Stores

Every operator of an adult video store must obtain a license to operate in the Town of Newmarket.  An Adult Video Store means any store used for selling or renting adult videos.

All completed applications will be provided to York Regional Police, and other Town Departments or any other agencies which may be affected for a report on whether the application complies with all requirements.

Completed Applications can be emailed to

Adult Video Store Application

The following must accompany any application:

  • Any articles of incorporation
  • Names and home addresses of any business partners


The summary below is provided for convenience only and is not comprehensive. For the full regulations please see the Licensing By-law.

Summary of Regulations:

  • The license must be displayed at all times
  • Premises must be kept clean and sanitary
  • A list of all adult videotapes must be kept on site and be available for inspection
  • no one may advertise or promote an adult video store
  • no one under 18 is allowed in an adult video store

In order to operate a carnival in the Town of Newmarket you must obtain a permit.

Every person or corporation applying for a permit must:

  • pay a fee
  • provide written permission from the property owner for the conduct of the event; and
  • be sponsored by a recognized charitable organization or service club in Newmarket;

An out door carnival may not operate between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 12:00 noon.

When a Carnival is being held on municipally owned lands, the operator shall, in addition to paying the prescribed permit fee, post with the Town Clerk of the Town, a deposit in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500.00) in cash or certified cheque.

Completed Applications can be emailed to

Carnivals Permit Application Form

Clothing Donation Bins

Every one who wants to install a clothing donation bin must obtain a license.

Each license application must include:

  • The applicable fee
  • Proof of general liability insurance in an amount of two million dollars
  • A letter of permission from the owner of the property
  • A sketch and description of the location on the property of the bin

Clothing Bin Donation Application Form

Completed applications may be emailed to

Clothing donation bins may only be placed:

  • On commercial or institutional property
  • Set back one metre from all property lines

For the full regulations please see the Clothing Donation Bin By-law 2016-33


The summary below is provided for convenience only and is not comprehensive. For the full regulations please see the Fireworks By-law 2015-18.

  • All Fireworks displays require a permit
  • Everyone selling fireworks requires a license
  • Fireworks may only be sold seven (7) days prior to and including Victoria Day and Canada Day
  • Fireworks may not be sold to anyone under 18
  • Fireworks may not be set off on any road, or municipal property
  • Fireworks may only be set off on Victoria Day, Canada Day or the days immediately before or after

Fireworks (Sales and Display) Application Form

Completed applications may be emailed to 

Hawkers and Pedlars

A Hawker and Pedlar means any person who goes from place to place or to a particular place with goods, wares or merchandise for sale.  All hawkers and pedlars must obtain a license The most frequently obtained licences are:

  • Class A Operator – door to door sales
  • Class B "Special Sale" – any event at which goods, wares or merchandise are offered for sale at a particular place other than a shopping mall for a specified period of time of not more than seven consecutive days conducted by a person who is a hawker or pedlar as defined by the By-law.
  • Class E "Show Sale" – an event organized by an individual or company and consisting of several participating vendors.

Hawkers and Pedlars Application Form

Completed applications may be emailed to

Newspaper Boxes

Newspaper boxes may not be placed on any road allowance without completing the application and paying the annual fee.

Newspaper boxes may not be:

  • Within 50 feet of any intersection
  • Impair or obstruct movement of vehicles or pedestrians or visibility
  • Attached or secured to any utility pole, sign, hydrant
  • Placed on a road allowance next to any residential property
  • Placed within 50 feet of a public transit stop without approval

For the full regulations please see the Licensing By-law.

Newspaper boxes Application Form

Completed applications may be emailed to

Outdoor Serving Areas

To operate an outdoor serving area you must obtain an annual license. To obtain a license you must complete the application and pay the annual fee.

Outdoor Serving Area Application form

Completed applications may be emailed to

The summary below is provided for convenience only and is not comprehensive.

Outdoor Serving Area Requirements

  • Outdoor Serving areas may not be located within 40 feet of the property line of a residential property or road allowance;
  • Outdoor serving areas located within 200 fee of residential areas may not be used between 1 a.m. and 11 a.m. the following day;

For the full regulations and requirements see the Outdoor Serving Area By-law 2016-29

For information on the Downtown Newmarket Street Patio Program please visit the Patio program webpage. (link to ec dev site)

Personal Wellness Establishments

To operate an Personal Wellness Establishment you must obtain an annual license. To obtain a license you must complete the application and pay the annual fee.

 For a copy of the application, please click here. To review the new regulations, please refer to the Town's Business Licence By-law here.

Business owners seeing to renew their Personal Wellness Establishment Business Licence, please click here for a copy of the renewal application. 

As a result of feedback received during public consultation, the Town has translated the Business Licensing By-law and Personal Wellness Establishment Application into Korean, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese. Please see the below links to access the translated documents:

Korean: By-lawApplication
Simplified Chinese: By-lawApplication
Traditional Chinese: By-lawApplication

Business owners seeking to apply for a Personal Wellness Establishment Business Licence are encouraged to review our PWE Fact Sheet and contact the Town's Licensing Division to get more information on the application process. The Licensing Division also encourages all interested stake holders or residents to provide additional feedback by contacting:

Town of Newmarket, Licensing Division

Phone: 905-953-5300 ext. 2221


Pet Store Licencing

On June 29th, 2020 the Town of Newmarket passed a Business Licencing By-law requiring Pet Stores to obtain a licence to operate within the Town. 

Fees and Licence

The annual business licence fee for Pet Stores is $150.  Recognizing that the By-law was adopted on June 29th. 2020, the Town is prepared to reduce this fee by 50 percent.  Therefore you will only be required to pay $75 in 2020.

Completed Applications can be emailed to

Summary of Regulations

The summary below is provided for convenience only and is not comprehensive. For the full regulations please see the Business License By-law. 
  • All Pet Stores must be maintained in a sanitary, well-ventilated clean condition and free from odours
  • All animals must be kept in sanitary, quarters, and at appropriate temperatures
  • All cages must be appropriate sizes, be equipped with receptacles for food and water, etc.
  • Food and fresh water must be provided daily as appropriate for animal
  • All licensed pet stores must:
    • provide to the purchasers of a cat or dog a health assessment from a licensed Veterinarian
    • only permit cats or dogs in the store for the purposes of sale animals from municipal animal shelters, registered human societies, registered shelters, or a recognized animal rescue group
    • provide all cats or dogs reasonable exercise
    • not sell any animal until it has reached the normal age for weaning
    • provide purchasers with all available information pertaining to the sale of the animal including a receipt showing the name and address of the vendor and purchaser, the date of sale, the sale price, the breed or crossbreed, sex, age, and description 
    • maintain a registry of each dog or cat purchased which includes the date of purchase, description of the dog or cat, name, address, and contact information of the person from whom the animal was obtained

Second-Hand Goods Shops and Second-Hand Goods Dealers

Everyone operating a second-hands goods shop or dealer must obtain an annual license.

Every application must include:

  • Copies of the articles of incorporation
  • A declaration stating the name of every shareholder, name or names of the business, mailing address for the corporation
  • Copies of any property leases

Second-Hand Goods shops and Second-Hand Goods dealers Application form

Completed applications may be emailed to

Every second hand good dealer must:

  • Maintain records of all transactions
  • Retain copies of all independent appraisals for 30 days after the item is resold

The summary above is provided for convenience only and is not comprehensive. For the full regulations please see the Second-Hands Goods By-law 2008-79

Short Term Rentals
New for 2025 - Newmarket implemented a Municipal Accommodation Tax (MAT) in 2025. This new tax will apply to all short-term rentals, as well as hotels and motels, within the municipality. For more details visit the Municipal Accommodation Tax (MAT). 

Completed Applications can be emailed to

Summary of Regulations

The summary below is provided for convenience only and is not comprehensive. For the full regulations please see the Business License By-law. 

  • No more than one short-term rental is permitted on a lot
  • short term rentals may only be operated within one dwelling unit on a lot
  • short term rentals must provide one off-street parking space for each bedroom, in addition to one off-street parking space for the permanent resident of the property
  • each bedroom intended to be rented shall be clearly identified through the application process by providing a floor plan
  • any changes to the number of bedrooms rented shall be updated through a licence amendment application

An operator (such as homeowner) of a short-term rental shall not:

  • rent out any vehicle, tent or accessory building
  • rent more than 3 bedrooms
  • permit more than 6 overnight guests
  • rent bedrooms that are not identified on the licence application

An operator (homeowner) of a short-term rental shall:

  • post or display the business licence number on any marketing, advertising or promotions
  • provide to each guest and the Town the telephone number of the person who is present or available to respond to concerns regarding these regulations
  • market their business only on an approved platform
A short term rental company (such as Air Bnb) shall:
  • apply for and obtain a licence
  • execute an agreement with the Town governing the use, retention and disclosure of operator and guest information
  • keep a record of each transaction for 3 years which shall include:
    • name, address and licence number of the Operator
    • number of nights the short term rental was rented
    • nightly and total price charged
    • whether the rental was an entire-unit rental or room rental
  • provide the records referred to above to the Town on request 

Mobile Business Licensing (Taxicab, Driving School Instructors, Refreshment Vehicles, Uber/Lyft etc.) 

 On March 3, 2020 the Town of Newmarket passed a by-law requiring mobile businesses to obtain a license to operate within the Town.  Licenses will be required by business owners, not individual drivers (with the exception of driving school instructors). As of April 1, 2020 all applications for mobile business licensing are available. 

Completed applications can be emailed to

Mobile businesses include:

A mobile business is not:

  • A stall at a farmer's market
  • A business which uses a vehicle only as a way to transport its goods/services to a customer (e.g. a courier)
  • Any other form of business that is restricted from regulation by a Municipality under the Municipal Act.
For information regarding Film Permits please view the Filming in Newmarket webpage. 

To confirm if a business is licenced or to check the status of an application, please use the Town of Newmarket's Business Licence Lookup

Questions? Please contact