
Municipal Office

395 Mulock Drive P.O. Box 328 Station Main, Newmarket, Ontario
L3Y 4X7

Newmarket is known for its vibrant food and brewery scene. With high-quality restaurants located throughout the town, residents and visitors are able to enjoy unique and renowned culinary experiences. The Town supports the energy and life that outdoor restaurant patios bring to our streets and the business that they bring to local restaurants and retailers. Outdoor patios attract visitors and residents to eat, shop, and enjoy all that Newmarket has to offer.

This page provides details on establishing an outdoor patio in the Town of Newmarket.

Patios on Town-owned lands

Since 2015 the Town has permitted a number of patios to be located on Town-owned lands located in the historic downtown area of Main Street South. These have included patio structures built in front of restaurants with wooden sidewalk extensions around them built through on-street parking bays. 

Temporary Patios on Town-owned lands

The Town's 2021 Temporary Patio Program ran from July to November and was a great success. This innovative approach expanded patios onto Town lands including sidewalks, street side parking spots, laneways, parking lots, and urban park space.  

This program will be offered again in 2022. For more information on this program or to submit an application please contact Business Licensing.