Free Burlap Giveaway. Help treat Lymantria dispar dispar (LDD) – gypsy moth caterpillars on your property
Great news! We've heard your feedback and starting on Wednesday, June 9 until June 18 (while supplies last), we will be giving away FREE burlap so you can make burlap traps to trap Lymantria dispar dispar (LDD) – gypsy moth caterpillars on private trees.
Three burlap sheets, along with a 'how-to' guide will be provided (one per person) through drive-through curbside pick-up at the Municipal Offices (395 Mulock Drive), Monday to Friday from noon to 3 p.m. Drive up to the round-about area, open your passenger window, pick-up your burlap package, read the 'how-to' guide and set-up your burlap traps.
Learn more about LDD in the community and the Town's response by visiting