Lawn Sign Program
Lawn signs are placed on boulevards to increase safety on the roads in Newmarket. There are two types of lawn signs, and the signs are moved every 2 - 3 weeks to prevent damage and loss. If you wish to have a sign installed in front of your house or a specific spot, please contact Town's customer services at 905-895-5193 or
Keep Everyone/Kids Safe Signs
Keep Everyone/Kids Safe signs are installed to increase drivers' awareness of vulnerable pedestrians and enhance safety.
Look Up! Look Around! Signs
Look Up! Look Around! Signs are placed to increase cyclists’ attention to vehicles and pedestrians. They can be seen along the bike lanes.
York Regional Police's Road Watch Program
York Regional Police's Road Watch Program provides residents with the means to report dangerous or unlawful driving behaviour such as speeding, unsafe lane changing, and disobeying traffic lights and stop signs. The Town is working closely with York Regional Police to ensure that noted 'hot spots' and new locations as identified by residents are monitored and enforced.
To report aggressive, dangerous or unlawful driving behaviour in Newmarket, report it to the Road Watch Program here.
For more information on the Road Watch program, please contact York Regional Police at 1-866-876-5423.
Traffic Safety in School Zones
The Town of Newmarket has various programs and measures in place to ensure traffic safety in school safety zones. These include:
Crossing Guards
Crossing Guards are responsible for the provision of traffic control services at designated locations and times throughout the Town to ensure pedestrians; in particular, school children, are safely crossing roadways. Drivers are reminded to take caution in school zones and to look and listen for the crossing guards' stop sign and whistles. Whistle Signals are as follows:
First whistle: the guard proceeds to the centre of the roadway to stop traffic
Second whistle: the guard sounds this when traffic has completely stopped, to advise children that it is now safe to cross the roadway
Third whistle: the guard sounds this when the children and the guard have safely crossed the road, indicating to the driver(s) that it is now safe to proceed
Respect our Neighbours
When dropping off your children at school, please remember:
- Do not park in or block residential driveways when dropping off your children at school
- Do not use residential driveways to turn around.
- Participate in the "walk-a-block" initiative by parking on a side-street adjacent to a school, and then walking the student to school.
- Be a model citizen for your children and treat others' property as you would like your own to be treated
Drop-off and Pick-up Zones
Drop-off and pick-up zones are designated areas on the school property that are separate from school bus loading and unloading areas. Not all school sites are designed with a drop-off and pick-up zone, please check with your child's school for more information.
Drop-off and pick-up zones can provide an alternative to parking on municipal streets or in school parking lots.
Do not park or leave your vehicle unattended in the drop-off and pick-up zone. Drop-off and pick-up zones are designed to ease congestion and keep traffic moving in the mornings and afternoons.
Traffic Signs in School Zones
Familiarize yourself with the following common traffic signs that you may encounter in school zones. Traffic laws include traffic signs and pedestrian signals that tell drivers and other road users what they must do in certain locations - like a school zone. This section highlights many of the signs you see around the Town of Newmarket school zones to help keep everyone safe.

| Fire routes provide access to Fire and Emergency crews in the event of an emergency and must remain clear at all times. Blocking these routes can be very dangerous for everyone.
 | Do not stand in the area between the signs. This means you may not stop your vehicle in this area except while loading or unloading passengers. (Used in pairs or groups.) |

| Do not park in the area between the signs. This means you may not stop your vehicle except to load or unload passengers or merchandise. (Used in pairs or groups.) |

| Do not stop in the area between the signs. This means you may not stop your vehicle in this area, even for a moment. (Used in pairs or groups.) |

| Marks a zone within which school buses load or unload passengers without using the red alternating lights and stop arm. |

| Indicates areas where the community has identified that there is an increased risk to pedestrians. Traffic-related offences committed within the zone are subject to increased fines. |
 | A school zone sign is five-sided and has a fluorescent yellow/ green background with black symbols. It signifies that you are coming to a school zone. Slow down, drive with extra caution and watch for children. |

| This parking space is only for vehicles displaying a valid Accessible Parking Permit. |

| These signs warn of a school crossing. Watch for children and follow the directions of the crossing guard or school safety patroller.

| This sign warns you that you are coming to a hidden school bus stop. Slow down, drive with extra caution, and watch for children and for a school bus with flashing red lights. |