This By-law requires that any person
wishing to film within Newmarket obtain a film permit through the Town’s Licensing Division. In addition to the
requirement to obtain a film permit, this By-law requires that any person participating in a film project comply
with a number of regulations.
The logistics of obtaining a film permit and coordinating a film project can appear complicated. Please review the Film Handbook that will provide more information to those looking to film in Newmarket, including key aspects to the Town's filming regulations.
Are you a local film production company?
Are you a Non-Local Film Production Company requiring a Film Permit?
Please note that a Notice of Intent Form is required to be submitted in advance to propose filiming:
- 21 days in Special Film Zone (SFZ): Main Street Business Improvement Area
- 14 days in General Film Zone (GFZ)
Additional Resources
Contact Information
Town of Newmarket Legislative Services Department Attn: Licensing 395 Mulock Drive PO Box 328, Stn. Main Newmarket, ON L3Y 4X7 905-895-5193 ext. 2206 licensing@newmarket.ca
| Central York Fire Services Attn: Fire Prevention Officer 905-895-9222 905-895-1900 (fax)
York Regional Police Attn: Paid Duty Coordinator 905-830-0303 905-895-7264 (fax) | Region of York Attn: Transportation Services Department 1-877-464-9675 ext. 75700 905-895-3047 (fax) permits@york.ca |
Further Information
For further information on the film permit process, including fees, contact Licensing at 905-953-5300, ext. 2221 or licensing@newmarket.ca.