Flexible bollards are installed on various Town of Newmarket roadways to create a narrowing effect to slow down traffic. One larger centre bollard and two smaller bollards close to each curb, or one single centre line bollard, are installed to create a visual narrowing of the road for drivers.
Once installed, the bollards will remain in place until October when they will be removed before the winter months for winter maintenance activities, such as snow plowing. They will then be re-installed in the spring either in new or previous locations, depending on the highest priority needs. The bollards are designed to flex upon impact to prevent damage to cars and so that they will not slow down emergency vehicles.

History of Newmarket's Flexible Bollard Program
In 2016, Newmarket's Speed Management Program launched a pilot project on two residential collector roads. The in-road bollard project was expanded in 2017 by installing additional bollards on two more collector roads. Each of these new locations had two sets of bollards that were strategically placed to allow motorists to spot both sets from a distance, elongating the visual "road diet".
The in-road bollard project was further expanded in 2018, with bollards being installed in each of the Town's 7 Wards. Most of these new locations had three sets of bollards that were strategically placed to allow motorists to spot all sets from a distance. This approach was effective in reducing traffic speeds on longer sections of roads.
In 2022, new centre bollards marked with the posted speed limit were placed to give drivers extra notice to reduce travel speeds. With the data-proven effectiveness and citizens' requests, the program expanded even more, and flexible bollards were placed in
29 locations in 2022.