
Municipal Office

395 Mulock Drive P.O. Box 328 Station Main, Newmarket, Ontario
L3Y 4X7

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Registration Information:

  • Resident Registration: Wednesday, February 19, 2025 at 6:30 a.m. 
  • Non-Resident Registration: Wednesday, March 19, 2025 at 6:30 a.m.

Download a printable version of the Summer Camp Guide below:


Contact Information
Camp Central
(905)-953-5300 ext. 2825 or 2826

Inclustion and Support Services
(905)-953-5300 ext. 2821

Please note, our Camp Central lines will open May 12th.

Camp Hours & Extended Care
  • Camp Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Sign-in begins at 9 a.m. AM Extended Care is available at select locations from 7:30 to 9 a.m. for those requiring an earlier drop-off time. 
  • All campers must be signed out by 4:00 p.m. PM Extended Care is available at select locations from 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. for those requiring a later pick-up time.

Camp Ages

Camps are offered to children and youth between the ages of 4 to 19 years old (camp dependent). Due to the Child Care and Early Years Act, all campers must be four years old before they are permitted to attend Town of Newmarket Camps. For further information, please visit

Camper Paperwork

Registration closes at 11:59 p.m. on the Thursday prior to camp start date.

During registration, you will be prompted to fill in a Camper Information Questionnaire (CIQ). This will only need to be filled out once during the registration process. Please fill in the CIQ fully, and with as much detail as possible, as any changes will need to be made on a weekly basis. 

Please ensure you have the following information ready:

  • Emergency Contact Name & Phone #
  • Camper Details – physical limitations, allergies/dietary restrictions and medications (if necessary)

You will receive a Welcome Email the Friday prior to the start of the camp week with the following information:

Important Note: When registering for a camp, the filter in Xplor is automatically set to only show camps that fall within the next 6 months. Please adjust your filter until the end of August to ensure you don't miss out on camps running the last 3 weeks of the summer!

Click the links below to download additional fillable camp forms:

What to Bring to Camp

✔️ Lunch & 2 snacks – peanut/nut free

✔️ Refillable water bottle

✔️ Sunscreen & hat

✔️ Comfortable outdoor clothing & running shoes

✔️ Labelled belongings

✔️ Extra change of clothes for younger campers

✔️ Camp-specific items – outlined in the camp description

Please do not bring valuable items to camp. The Town of Newmarket and its vendors are not responsible for lost, stolen or broken items. Electronics, toys, money are not permitted.

Safe Dismissal Procedures

Authorized individuals are required to sign their camper in and out of camp daily. Only those listed on the Safe Dismissal Consent Form (SDC) are permitted to sign out campers. Photo ID is required at each pick-up.

You may provide consent on the SDC Form for your camper to sign themselves out at the end of the camp day. Please note, camp staff are not responsible for the supervision of campers once they have signed themselves out. The Town of Newmarket recommends that children under the age of nine are signed in and out by an authorized individual.

Written consent must also be provided on your SDC Form if you would like your camper to sign themselves out prior to the end of the camp day.

Late Fee Policy

A $2.00 late fee will apply for every 5-minutes that your camper has not been signed out of camp. Late fee payments must be made within 48 hours at your nearest Customer Service Desk or online through your Xplor account to return to camp.

Absent or Late?

If your campers will be absent for the day or late for drop off, please call or email Camp Central with your child's full name and camp. If you plan on picking up your camper early, please inform the Camp Director on-site.


If your camper requires medication throughout the camp day or carries an epi-pen, please ensure the appropriate forms are completed and submitted to the Camp Director.

All medication will be stored with the camp staff and returned at the end of each camp day. Medications must be in their original packaging, with the child's name and dosage clearly indicated. Campers must be able to self-administer medication.

Nut Aware Policy

Food products that contain or may contain traces of nuts/peanuts, as well as soy butter (also known as 'Wow Butter') are not permitted at camp. Although soy butter it is peanut/nut-free, it looks and smells exactly like peanut butter, creating a stressor for those with a nut allergy. Staff are also unable to tell if it is peanut-free.

Prohibited food products will be removed from the camp and returned to the parent/guardian at sign-out.

Photo Policy

Photos/videos are not permitted in camps, with the exception of Town of Newmarket staff for promotional purposes. In order for your camper to be featured, consent must be provided on the CIQ.

Our Priority Is Your Child's Wellbeing

The Family and Child Services Act requires any suspicion or allegation of child abuse to be reported immediately to the Children's Aid Society. The Act recognizes that our staff have the responsibility to the welfare of children and youth in our care, and have the obligation to promptly report to the Children's Aid Society. Therefore, any evidence or suspicion of neglect, physical, and/or emotional abuse will be reported.

Camper Behaviour

Our goal is to make camp enjoyable and safe for everyone! Inappropriate/coarse language, harassment, bullying, eloping and aggressive behaviours are not permitted at camp. These behaviours will be documented and reported. Serious or persistent challenging behaviours may require immediate attention from camp staff and parent/guardians, and may result in dismissal from program, as per our Just Play Policy.

Staff will review the following behaviour expectations with campers on the first day of camp, and throughout the camp program.

  • Respect participants and staff, and care for the building, equipment and materials provided
  • Follow staff direction and instructions and be open to trying new things and participating
  • Use appropriate language and be kind to others (no bullying behaviour)
  • Always remain with your assigned group and staff
  • Keep your hands to yourself – no touching other participants or their belongings
  • Have fun!

If your child has behavioural concerns, please contact our Inclusion & Support Services team to notify them of triggers and methods that are helpful for your camper.

Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
  • Discussing camp appropriate behaviours outlined above with your camper prior to the start of camp.
  • Fully and accurately completing camper paperwork.
  • Guaranteeing your camper is toilet trained and independent with toileting and changing. If your child has specific needs, you may contact our Inclusion & Support Services team.
  • Sending your camper with sufficient food for the day, water, sunscreen, hat, running shoes, and other items outlined in the Welcome Email.
  • Being on-site within 30 minutes, if needed.
  • Following all policies and procedures outlined by staff.
  • Respecting staff at all times.


The Town of Newmarket is dedicated to ensuring all campers have a successful camp experience. There are times when a child requires more support than our program ratios are able to provide. In these cases, we strongly recommend consulting with us about our support options.

Additional support is required if:

  • Extra support is required at school
  • A disability exists that could affect the safety of the participant or other participants
  • Extra support is required at home for basic care
  • The participant is associated with a support agency and/or program
  • The participant has a safety plan with their educational institution
  • There are behaviours to be managed (ie. biting, scratching, pinching, etc)

Families are required to complete an All About Me Package and provide an IEP and Safety Plan to help camp staff with any program adaptations. When considering a recreation experience, please consider the individual's needs, and that the recreation integrated setting may not be suitable for all persons. Health and Safety of participants and staff is paramount, which could result in participants being denied access to the program. 

To discuss camp integration and support needs for upcoming camp programs, please email or call 905-953-5300 ext. 2821.


The Town of Newmarket Camp staff are chosen for their passion for working with children, creativity, enthusiasm and leadership skills.


  • Standard First Aid and CPR-C

  • High Five Principles of Healthy Childhood Development

  • Safeguard

  • Police Vulnerable Sector Check

  • Training in behaviour management, program planning, customer service, inclusion and so much more!

Supervisors & Inclusion Facilitators receive additional training in:

  • Non-Violent Crisis Intervention

Hear from our summer 2024 camp parents/guardians!

  • "My son had a great time at camp! Staff were responsible, welcoming and so enthusiastic. What a great week! Thank you for providing such a positive experience for him."
  • "My child had such a wonderful week at his first Town camp! He was excited to go each day and looked forward to all the activities. The staff were always so respectful, organized, timely, supportive, kind and knowledgeable. He is already planning on coming back next year!"
  • "The 1:1 program is phenomenal! The staff that have worked with my child were attentive, obviously well-trained, and have a wonderful sense of humour! I got a verbal report each day, which always started off with all the positive things about my child. They were informative and supportive, which assured me that my child was being properly cared for."
  • "What truly amazing staff. They helped my daughter feel welcomed and comfortable when she was nervous on her first day of camp. The staff really worked to make a connection with my daughter, and she left the week with so many new friends thanks to them! She had so much fun everyday and came home so happy to tell us about all of the exciting things she did."
  • "The camp counsellors greeted my children on the first day, before I even signed them in. The staff remembered them from last summer! They were always so positive, outgoing, caring, and made camp fun and engaging for my kids – so incredible!"

Interested in working for the Town of Newmarket Camps? Click the tile to apply today!


Cancellation Options Refund Policy
7 or more days prior to the start of the campFull refund
6 or less days prior to the start of the campNo refund or credit, unless medical documentation is provided
After camp has endedNo refund or credit

If you need to withdraw 6 days or less prior to the start date due to a medical reason, please fill out the online form.


Interested in building your experience for future employment? Want to make a difference in your community? Looking to help make summer camp a fun an inclusive place for all? The Town of Newmarket has a free Summer Camp Volunteer Training for youth looking to gain experience working with children and developing their leadership skills!

Successful candidates will be contacted regarding their camp placements following the course and can use these hours towards their high school volunteer hours! Successful candidates are those that are actively listening and engaged during the entirety of the course, respectful towards other participants and the instructor, and show an interest in the volunteer position. Please come to class with the Volunteer Application filled out. This will be sent to participants prior to the course via email.

Volunteers must be 14 years of age or older by the start of the course.

Register for our Volunteer Training running from 4 to 8 p.m. at Community Centre & Lions Hall on Tuesday, June 3, 2025



This half day, daily drop-in program gives children an opportunity to engage and socialize in a safe and friendly atmosphere. Each program is 3 hours in length and geared for ages 4 – 12 years. Staff will lead small groups through a variety of games, sports, arts and crafts, songs and outdoor activities, which are designed for participants to have fun. Majority of the afternoon will be spent outdoors.

Please note: 

  • Walk-ins ONLY. Pre-registration is not available. Entry is available on a first-come first-serve basis.
  • Sign-in will end at 1:30 p.m. Additional participants will not be permitted to enter the program after this time.
  • In case of inclement weather or extreme heat, the program will move to indoors to a Clearmeadow Public School classroom.
  • All participants must fill out our Kids on the Move Participant Information Form. This form only needs to be filled out once for the entire summer! If you are unable to print the form out beforehand, a blank form will be provided to you on-site. Click here to download our Kids on the Move Participant Information Form 

Participants should bring

  • Water bottle - please label with participants name.
  • Hat/Sun Protection
  • Close-toed shoes
  • A snack

Price: FREE

Age: 4 to 12 Years

Location: Clearmeadow Public School (200 Clearmeadow Blvd.)

Kids on the Move Dates:

  • July 7 to 11
  • July 14 to 18  
  • July 21 to 25
  • July 28 to August 1
  • August 5 to 8
  • August 11 to 15


Fall-Buttons-11.png Camp-Buttons-08.png Fall-Buttons-10.png


The Town of Newmarket is committed to providing safe and respectful spaces and camps for all!

Verbal or physical abuse towards Town of Newmarket Camp staff­ will not be tolerated. Inappropriate and threatening behaviour, including swearing, yelling, or disrespecting others will result in refusal of service and / or being asked to leave.