Halls and Meeting Rooms


Municipal Office

395 Mulock Drive P.O. Box 328 Station Main, Newmarket, Ontario
L3Y 4X7

Email Us

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Hall Rentals:

  • Ray Twinney Recreation Complex - Lounges
  • Magna Centre – Meeting Rooms
  • Community Centre Halls & Lions Halls- Halls
  • Seniors' Meeting Place - Halls

Whether you are looking to host an indoor meeting for a few guests or an event for up to 451, there is a venue available for you to rent at the Town of Newmarket. 

How to Rent a Hall: 

  1. Find the best room for your meeting or event by exploring our hall amenities and capacities below. 
  2. Complete the Hall Request Form. Submit by one of the following options:

                    Newmarket Municipal Offices 
                    Recreation and Culture 
                    395 Mulock Drive
                    P.O. Box 328, STN Main 
                    Newmarket, ON, L3Y 4X7

  1. Our Facility Bookings Administrator will review your application and contact you regarding availability and confirm a quote. 

  2. All applicable paperwork including a signed contract, insurance certificate and payment are to be submitted at a minimum of 14 days prior to your rental. Please view our Community Event Resources for all event guidelines and bylaws around policies such as alcohol, BBQs, raffles and more.     

Facility Amenities

Click on the facilities below to view more information about the halls at each facility including amenities and a 360 virtual tour. 

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OTH Tile.png NSMP tile 2.png


Hall Capacities At-A-Glance 

Hall Capacities at a glance.JPG

Service Provided​Facilty

Hourly Rate Before Taxes
Small Hall - Resident: up to 8 hours
​Magna Centre Multi-Purpose Room
$21.68 + HST per hour
Small Hall - Commercial/Non-Resident: up 8 hours 
​Magna Centre Multi-Purpose Room
$37.19 + HST per hour
Medium Hall (no kitchen) – Resident: up to 8 hours
​Community Centre and Lions Halls 3 and 4
$46.50 + HST per hour
Medium Hall (no kitchen) - Commercial/Non-Residen: up to 8 hours 
Community Centre and Lions Halls 3 and 4
$60.97 + HST per hour
Large Hall with Kitchen- Resident: up to 8 hoursCommunity Centre and Lions Halls 1 and 2, Ray Twinney Recreation Complex Lounge
1 and 2

$70.28 + HST per hour
Large Hall with kitchen - Commercial/Non-Resident: up to 8 hours​Community Centre and Lions Halls 1 and 2, Ray Twinney Recreation Complex Lounge
1 and 2
$125.08 + HST per hour

The fees quoted above are subject to change at anytime. These base hourly rates do not include fees for insurance, Federal Tariffs for Music/Dancing, or surcharges for Events With Alcohol. Not-for-profit rates are available for registered Nonprofit Organizations. 

Bookings that are more than 8 hours in length will be subject to a flat-rate rental fee. 

For an accurate quote, please fill out and return the Hall Request Form

Free Calendar Listing 

Frequently Asked Questions 

  • Please click here to view our frequently asked questions. If you have questions that are not answered in the FAQ, please contact us. 

Contact us  

Community Centre & Lions Hall | Ray Twinney Recreation Complex | Magna Centre | Newmarket Senior's Meeting Place 
Phone: 905-953-5300
Email: halls@newmarket.ca 

Old Town Hall & NewRoads Performing Arts Centre
Email: othbookings@newmarket.ca