
Municipal Office

395 Mulock Drive P.O. Box 328 Station Main, Newmarket, Ontario
L3Y 4X7

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  • Andrin Lakeview Aquatic Centre (Magna Centre) - 800 Mulock Drive
  • Ray Twinney Recreation Complex Pool, Swirl Pool and Sauna- 100 Eagle Street West
  • Peter Gorman Outdoor Pool (Seasonal) - 424 D'Arcy Street 


Inclusion and Adapted

The Town of Newmarket provides Adapted Swim Lessons to swimmers with disabilities and/or additional needs to experience the benefits of aquatics in a safe and supported environment. Adapted Swim Lessons provide a 1:1 aquatic staff to participant ratio. In some cases, Inclusion 1:1 Facilitators may be required in an Inclusion Swim Lesson as additional support. 

Program Reminders:

All swimmers with disabilities (regardless of attending with support or not) are required to provide additional information to the aquatic staff team via the Aquatic Intake Form and return to

Click here to download the Swimming - All About Me Package

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Swimming Lessons Fall 2024 Update

The Town of Newmarket is excited to announce we’re adjusting our swimming levels to realign with the Lifesaving Society Swim for Life curriculum. This change will help us offer more effective and consistent programming that will enhance the learning experience for our participants.

Click here for a printable chart or refer to the conversion chart below to determine the appropriate swimming level for you:

​If you registered for:
​Your new level is:
​Parent & Tot 1 
Parent & Tot 1​
​Parent & Tot 2
​Parent & Tot 2
Parent & Tot 3
Parent & Tot 3
Preschool 1​
Preschool 1​
Preschool 2
Preschool 2
Preschool 3
Preschool 3
Preschool 4
Preschool 4
Preschool 5
Preschool 4
Preschool 6
Preschool 5
Swimmer 1​
​Swimmer 1
Swimmer 2
​Swimmer 2
Swimmer 3
​Swimmer 2
Swimmer 4
​Swimmer 3 
Swimmer 5
​Swimmer 3
Swimmer 6
​Swimmer 4 
Swimmer 7
​Swimmer 5 
Swimmer 8
​Swimmer 6
​Rookie Patrol
​Swimmer 7: Rookie Patrol
​Ranger Patrol
Swimmer 8: Ranger Patrol​
​Star Patrol
​Swimmer 9: Star Patrol


  • No outdoor shoes are permitted on the pool deck.
  • Strollers are not permitted in the change rooms or on deck.
  • Food and beverages (other than water) are not permitted on the pool deck.
  • Bathing attire must be clean, appropriate swimwear, suitable for a public pool.
  • For swimmers who are not toilet trained, it is recommended swim or cotton diapers be worn. Disposable diapers cannot be worn in the water as they will fall apart.
  • If you have a serious medical condition, please inform a lifeguard and you should be accompanied by a person knowledgeable of the condition and who is responsible for your direct supervision.
  • Children 6 years of age or older must use gender-appropriate change rooms or the family change room. All participants must change in the cubicles in the family change room.
  • Lockers are available for use. The Town of Newmarket is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
  • Hair dryers and outlets are still unavailable at this time.
  • Photography is permitted during drop-in programming, but every attempt should be made to be respectful of everyone's privacy. Photo/video is not permitted in the change rooms. 

  • In addition to our existing admission standards, it is recommended that participants between the ages of 10-15 years be accompanied by a parent/guardian who is a minimum of 16 years of age. The parent/guardian for those aged 10-15 years would pay admission and remain in the pool enclosure to supervise, be available for any first aid incidents.
  • Facility Swim Test: To ensure the safety of all participants, children (6 to 9 years) who wish to swim unaccompanied in the pool must complete the facility swim test: Proficiently swim 2 widths un-aided (i.e. no lifejacket, water wings, etc.) of the pool followed immediately by 1 minute of treading water (head and ears remaining above the surface at all times). Upon completing the facility swim test, the child will receive a green wristband.
    Facility swim tests are conducted during public swim times and results are recorded on your registration account.
  • Click here to view the admission guidelines page for more information 


  • Aqua Fitness Drop-in Classes will continue to be available for pre-registration.
  • Reservations are not required for participation to Aqua fitness classes, however, it is strongly recommended that participants register online in Xplor in advance as all classes are first-come, first-served. Walk-in's are available where space permits.
  • Visit for up to date Aqua Fitness Schedules


  • The Town of Newmarket is proud to offer quality swimming lessons through the Lifesaving Society Learn to Swim program that will help participants develop water safety skills that will last a lifetime.
  • Unsure which level to register for? You are welcome to have your child attend any public swim and ask the Deck Supervisor if there are staff available to conduct a swim assessment. Most of the time we are able to accommodate this, but due to staffing constraints and program demands we may not be able to accommodate and you may be asked to attend another swim. Swim assessments are no longer able to be scheduled and are not level replacements nor can they act as proof of level completion – you will receive a verbal suggestion of which level to register for. Alternatively, reach out to us at with information regarding your child's age, if they have done lessons before, and general swimming ability and we can advise over email.
  • If you would like to request a specific instructor for swimming lessons, please email We cannot guarantee that the request will be granted.
  • We are unable to provide makeup lessons for any missed classes.
  • Interested in our inclusion swimming lessons for individuals with identified special needs? Please complete an All About Me Package and contact


My Bronze Cross qualification is expired. Can I still take the National Lifeguard course?

  • Yes. The Bronze Cross and Standard First Aid with CPR-C qualifications need not be current, but successful completion is still a pre-requisite.

I'm close to the age requirement, can I come anyway?

  • No. The age requirement on all aquatic leadership programs is set by the Lifesaving Society and must be followed. Candidates will be asked to provide documentation demonstrating their date of birth at the beginning of their course.

Do I have to take the courses in order?

  • Yes. All of the aquatic leadership courses build on knowledge learned and fall within a progression-based model. Required courses have the prerequisites listed in the course descriptions.


Some courses say required and some say recommended. What is the difference?

  • The courses that are required are prerequisites for certifications that are needed to become a swim instructor or lifeguard. We strongly recommend the other courses to assist in the development of the candidate, to assist with their ability to perform on the job and to increase their knowledge.

Is attendance 100% mandatory?

  • Yes. The Lifesaving Society sets the hours required to learn the course material. Courses move quickly and some content is only covered once by instructors.

What do I need to bring?

  • On the first day please bring the following: Lunch, snacks, water bottle, bathing suit and towel, deck shoes, whistle, note books and pen, proof of age (birth certificate, driver's licence, etc.), and certification cards from previous courses.

I haven't received my certification card. What do I do?

  • Temporary cards are good for 90 days. If you haven't received your certification card 90 days after taking the course, you should contact the Lifesaving Society at 416-490-8844.

I have a copy of the course materials; can I use them and waive the extra fees?

  • Extra fees for leadership courses cover the exam fee and material costs set by the Lifesaving Society. If you have a current copy of the books you can use them and we will remove the cost from the course.

My Standard First Aid (SFA) with CPR-C is expiring do I have to take a full course?

  • You must alternate the full course and a recert every three years. If you are unsure you can look up your qualifications at with your member ID. For the National Lifeguard course, the SFA and CPR-C prerequisite must be from one of the following organizations (Lifesaving Society, St. John's Ambulance, Canadian Red Cross, or Canadian Ski Patrol).

What is your cancellation policy?

  • To learn more about our 'Program Withdrawals & Refunds' and how to withdraw online, visit for details


Our staff are chosen for their passion for working with people, creativity and leadership skills. Staff are certified in Standard First Aid, CPR “C” and produce a positive Police Vulnerable Sector Check. Staff may also be trained in and HIGH FIVE® Principles of Healthy Child Development.


All Parents/Guardians are responsible for:

  • Discussing appropriate behaviours with their children. The Town of Newmarket follows the same code of conduct as the school systems.

  • Ensuring your child is appropriately dressed for their program of choice.

  • Ensuring your child does not bring valuable items to programs. The Town of Newmarket and its vendors are not responsible for lost or stolen items. Electronic games, iPods, cellphones, money, etc. are not permitted.

  • Guaranteeing your child is toilet trained (unless the class is parent participation). All participants must be toilet trained and independent in the washroom. If an accident occurs, a phone call will be made and the guardian is expected to come in to assist in changing. If your child has specific needs, you may speak with the Recreation Programmer.


The Town of Newmarket strives to provide the highest level of safety and enjoyment to all participants and staff during its camps and programs. Coarse language, bullying, non-compliance, and aggressive or inappropriate behaviour are NOT permitted. 

These behaviours will be documented, reported, and could result in the removal of a participant from the program. If your child has behavioural concerns please speak to the Recreation Programmer - Inclusion & Support Services at and notify them of triggers and methods which are helpful for your child. It is our goal to make our programs enjoyable for everyone!

The Town of Newmarket is dedicated to providing meaningful recreation opportunities to children, youth and adults with disabilities through inclusive and adapted opportunities. Participants are encouraged to pick a program and support level that meets their individualized needs and abilities. For information please visit or contact our Recreation Programmer - Inclusion & Support Services at

In the event of inclement weather, please check, social media (Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram) or call 1-877-752-9936 for any program cancellation notices.

Participants are not permitted to bring food products that may contain nuts or traces of nuts (peanuts included) to a Town program or camp. Should items that contain nuts be found, the product will be removed from the area and returned to the parent/guardian. Soy butter also known as “Wow Butter” is not permitted. Although the product is peanut free, it creates a stressor in the program environment for those with an allergy as it looks and smells just like peanut butter.

Parents/Guardians should be aware the Family and Child Services Act requires any suspicion or allegation of child abuse to be reported immediately to the Children’s Aid Society. The Act recognizes that each of us have a responsibility to the welfare of children. It clearly states any member of the public, including professionals who work with children, have the obligation to promptly report to the Children’s Aid Society if they suspect a child is or may be in need of protection. Therefore any evidence or suspicion of neglect, physical, and/or emotional abuse will be reported.


Registered Programs: Photos/Video may only be taken with pre-approval of the instructor, or as otherwise promoted (e.g. Photo Days). 

Drop In Programs: Photo/Video may be taken at any time, but every attempt should be made to be respectful of everyone’s privacy by trying to limit your focus to your friend or family member, unless permission has been given to include others. 

Photo/Video in change rooms and washrooms is prohibited.

The Town of Newmarket aims to “Create Accessible Recreation for Everyone” by offering financial assistance to residents of all ages and abilities on any Town of Newmarket Recreation & Culture registered programs and memberships. See page 101 and 102 for subisdy program options and information.


The Town of Newmarket is dedicated to ensuring all participants have a successful experience. There are times when a child requires more support than our program ratios are able to provide. In these cases, we strongly recommend consulting with us about our support options.

Additional support is required if:

  • Extra support is required at school
  • A disability exists that could affect the safety of the participant or other participants
  • Extra support is required at home for basic care
  • The participant is associated with a support agency and/or program
  • The participant has a safety plan with their educational institution
  • There are behaviours to be managed (ie. biting, scratching, pinching, etc)

Families are required to complete a confidential All About Me Package to help program staff prepare appropriate modifications to facilitate success. When considering a recreation experience, please consider the individual's needs, and that the recreation integrated setting may not be suitable for all persons. Health and Safety of participants and staff is paramount, which could result in participants being denied access to the program. To discuss integration and support needs for upcoming programs, please email or call 905-953-5300 ext. 2821.

Questions?  Should you have any questions, please contact the Customer Service Kiosk by phone at 905-953-5303 or e-mail: The Kiosk is available Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.    

We welcome our community's feedback and input and would love to hear from you on what programs / activities you would like to see offered by the Town.  Email us at with your suggestions.

Click here to sign up for the Recreation E-Newsletter for updates.

Stay up-to-date on the latest Town updates by following  @TownofNewmarket on TwitterFacebook and Instagram