Property Tax Rebates


Municipal Office

395 Mulock Drive P.O. Box 328 Station Main, Newmarket, Ontario
L3Y 4X7

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The Town of Newmarket offers the following rebate and deferral programs to the following: 

Seniors, low income and low income disabled persons

To be eligible for either a total or partial tax deferral, the property owner must be a senior citizen who is at least 65 years of age, or a low-income senior between the age of 55-64, or a low-income disabled person (as determined below). 

Complete the Application for Property Tax Deferral email it to or fax it to 905-953-5150. 

Note: Only the property tax increase can be deferred. 

 Seniors 65 and Older

  • Seniors must provide documentation to verify their age
  • The amount eligible for an annual deferral is the tax increase over the previous year

Low-Income Seniors 55-64

Low-income seniors must provide documentation to verify their proof of age and; that they meet the following income criteria:

  • Single $23,000 or less
  • Family of two or more persons $40,000 or less
  • The amount eligible for an annual deferral is the tax increase in excess of $100 over the previous year

Low-Income Disabled

Persons must provide documentation to verify that they are in receipt of benefits under one of the following programs:

  • Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) or in receipt of disability amounts under the Social Assistance Reform Act; or
  • Guaranteed Annual Income System (GAINS) for the Disabled and be eligible to claim a disability amount as defined under the Income Tax Act (Canada)
  •  The amount eligible for an annual deferral is the tax increase over the previous year

The property for which the taxes are payable must be located in the Town of Newmarket and must be owned by an eligible senior or disabled person as a principal residence on January 1 of the eligible year.

The cumulative amount of the deferred and outstanding taxes cannot exceed 75% of the assessed value of the property.

All deferred taxes become payable upon disposition or transfer of the property except for a transfer of ownership to a spouse.

For more information call: 905-953-5300 ext. 2140 or email:

Note: Seniors and disabled persons must apply annually for the tax deferral by September 30 of each taxation year for which a deferral is requested.

Rebate for Heritage Properties

The Town of Newmarket offers a tax rebate for properties that are designated and have entered into a heritage easment agreement with the Town. To apply, complete the Heritage Tax rebate form and submit to the Planning Department at For more information on heritage properties visit our Heritage Conservation Planning webpage.

This application must be made by submitting the application form along with the required documentation to the Planning Department no later than the last day of February in the year following the year for which the owner is seeking to obtain the heritage rebate for. You must submit a new application for each property every year. 

Rebate for Registered Charities that occupy commercial or industrial property 

If you operate a registered charity, you may be eligible for a rebate of 40% of the property taxes paid if you meet the eligibility requirements as outlined by Section 361 of The Municipal Act, 2001.

To submit an application please complete the Application for Property Tax Rebate for Registered Charities in Eligible Premises and submit along with a completed Landlord Property Owner Declaration no later then the last day of February of the year following the year in respect of which the application is made.

You must submit a new application for each property every year.

Charity Rebate Guidelines 

Charity Eligibility

  • Occupy commercial and/or industrial property.

  • Be a registered charity under subsection 248(1) of the Income Tax Act (Canada).

  • Have a valid Revenue Canada Charitable Registration Number.

  • Submit a signed, fully completed application form accompanied by the required supporting documentation.

  • Agree to supply any additional information requested to substantiate the application.

Rebate Information 

  • A new application form is required annually. Retroactive rebate claims for missed deadlines or overlooked submissions from prior years will not be accepted.

  • Only one application can be submitted per assessment roll number/location. A previous year's application (and supporting documentation) does not constitute any right entitlement for the current or subsequent year.

  • Any changes to the property's assessment for the taxation year for which this application is made, will result in a recalculation of the rebate amount.

  • You must retain a copy of your application form and proof of submission.

Documents Required 

  • A copy of the applicant's current registration status document referencing the BN/Registration Number from Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). A CRA registration status document may be downloaded from the CRA. Visit the Government of Canada website and refer to Taxes, Charities and Giving for more details.
  • A copy of executed lease agreement(s) or other documents confirming all the information indicated in this application. Please submit only relevant sections which identify all parties, outline terms and conditions, occupancy space and periods, property tax obligations and signature pages.
  • The Town may Request a tax reconciliation statement, prepared by the property owner, specifying how the eligible tax amount was determined.

Submit Application 

  • Email:
  • Mail: Town of Newmarket , Financial Services, Property Tax Rebates, 395 Mulock Dr, P.O. Box 328, STN Main, Newmarket. 
  • In Person: Municipal Offices at 395 Mulock Dr.
Cancellation, Reduction, Refund or Taxes under Section 357 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25.

This includes adjustments for the following property events:

  • Change in tax class (The property or portion of the property is eligible to be reclassified in a class with a lower tax ratio if a supplementary assessment was not issued in respect of the change event (e.g. commercial property is converted to residential)
  • Land has become vacant or excess land (i.e. no structure remaining on land)
  • Land has become exempt from taxation (i.e. land is now occupied by a church, non-profit etc.)
  • Demolished, razed or damaged by fire (Provide a copy of the Fire Marshall, Police Services or Insurance company reports, copy of demolition permit and a signed letter from the contractor showing the start and end date of the demolition, any other relevant supporting documents)
  • Repairs or renovations (Prevented normal use of the property for three months or more within the same tax year. Provide signed letter from contractor on letterhead, showing the start and end date of the repairs or renovations, invoices, copy of the building/demolition permit, dated photographs/images, lease documents, if applicable)
  • Gross or Manifest Clerical Errors (Note: Only clerical or factual errors may be considered in the application)
  • Persons experiencing sickness and or extreme poverty (should be e-filed with the Assessment Review Board (ARB) and a copy submitted to the Town. The ARB will set up a hearing with an adjudicator, the Municipality and the applicant. (Medical and/or financial information must be disclosed to the Town and to the ARB)

To submit an application, complete Application for Adjustment of Taxes. An application under S.357 must be submitted no later then the last day of February of the year following the year in respect of which the application is made. An application under S.358 must be submitted to the Town between March 1 and December 31 and may apply to taxes levied for one or both of the two years preceding the year in which the application is made. 

You must submit a new application for each property every year. 

Submit Application 

  • Email:
  • Mail: Town of Newmarket , Financial Services, Property Tax Rebates, 395 Mulock Dr, P.O. Box 328, STN Main, Newmarket. 
  • In Person: Municipal Offices at 395 Mulock Dr.

Other Rebates and Programs 

Water and Wastewater Rebate

The program is available to any resident paying a Newmarket residential water/wastewater bill for that property and receiving any of the following government programs:

  • Guaranteed Income Supplement
  • Ontario Disability Support Program
  • Ontario Works Assistance

The Water/Wastewater Rebate, for qualified applicants, is $40.57 per month ($486.84 per year). To apply for this rebate, fill in the Water and Wastewater Rebate Application form and provide proof annually to the Town of Newmarket, Property Tax department that you remain eligible for one of the above programs.

(Finance department staff will contact NT Power to adjust your utility bill accordingly).

Seniors' Tax Assistance Rebate

The program provides a property tax rebate to residents who meet the following requirements:

  • 65 years of age or older
  • own and occupy a home in Newmarket home as my principle residence in which the application is for
  • have owned the Newmarket home for at least one year
  • receive a Federal Guaranteed Income Supplement
  • the subject property is not being rented in part or entirely

The Senior Tax Rebate, for qualified applicants, is $370.00 in 2025. Only one rebate amount can be granted to each household per year. To apply for this rebate, fill in the Tax Assistance to the Elderly Rebate form and provide proof annually to the Town of Newmarket, Property Tax department, that you remain eligible for the program listed above. 

Rebate for Vacant Properties
Following community engagement, all York Region municipalities have voted to eliminate this program starting with the 2018 tax year. Ontario Regulation 325/01 has been updated to reflect this change.