Common By-laws


Municipal Office

395 Mulock Drive P.O. Box 328 Station Main, Newmarket, Ontario
L3Y 4X7

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​The By-laws and By-law Consolidations posted on the Town of Newmarket web site are for reference purposes only.  

To obtain certified, true copies of by-laws or for enforcement-related enquiries please contact Legislative Services at 905-895-5193 ext. 2220

To determine permitted uses and zoning for specific properties, please call 905-895-5193 ext. 2450 or visit the Planning section for additional information.

By-law Name​


By-law Number

Accessory Dwelling Units

A By-law for the registration of Accessory Dwelling Units.

By-law 2013-13 (Consolidated)

Adequate Heat for Rented Dwelling Accommodations​

A By-law to require adequate and suitable heat for rental dwellings.

By-law 1990-87

Animal Control

A By-law respecting the regulation, licensing and control of animals.

By-law 2020-30 (Consoldated)

AMPS (Administrative Monetary Penalty System)
​A By-law to establish a process for administrative penalties for contravention of town by-laws.
​By-law 2024-16
​Business Licensing
​A By-law to regulate and licence businesses to operate in the Town of
​By-law 2020-31 (Consolidated)


A By-law for the licensing, regulating and governing of carnivals.

By-law 2009-78

​Clean Yards By-law 
​A By-law for maintaining land in a  clean and clear condition
​By-law 2017-63 (Consolidated)

 Clothing Bins

A By-law for the licensing, regulating and governing of clothing donation bins.

By-law 2016-33 (Consolidated)

Council Code of Conduct

 A By-law to establish a Council Code of Conduct

By-law 2019-08

Development Charges (Town-Wide)

A By-law to establish development charges for the Town of Newmarket.

By-law 2014-42

For further information on development charges, visit the Development Charges page.

Development Charges (Northwest Quadrant Development Area)

A By-law to establish area specific development charges for the Town of Newmarket.

By-law 2014-41

For further information on development charges, visit the Development Charges page.

Discharge of Firearms

A By-law respecting the Firing of Guns

By-law 1990-77

Fences By-law

Cost Division By-law

A By-law prescribing the height and description of fences.

A By-law to Determine the Appointment of Costs of Division Fence.

By-law 2019-20 (Consolidated)

By-law 2019-21 

Fireworks ​By-law

A By-law for the licensing, regulating the sale and setting off of fireworks.

By-law 2015-18 (Consolidated)

Fortification By-law

A By-law to regulate the fortification of land and to prohibit excessive fortification and excessive protective elements to land.

By-law 2002-119

Graffiti By-law

A By-law to prevent unsightliness of property by prohibiting graffiti on property.

By-law 2011-67

​Idling Control Bylaw
​A By-law to prohibit excessive idling of vehicles in the Town of Newmarket.
​By-law 2005-157

Licensing By-law

A By-law to license, regulate and govern any business carried on within the Town of Newmarket.

By-law 2002-151 (Consolidated)

Loitering By-law

A By-law to prohibit loitering and to prohibit the causing of a disturbance or public nuisance.

By-law 1997-113

Mobile Business Licensing By-law
​A By-law to regulate and license the operation of mobile businesses such as refreshement vehicles, driving school instructors, taxis, limousines, transportation network companies (Uber Lyft), and tow trucks.
​By-law 2020-07 (Consolidated)

Noise By-law

A By-law to prohibit and regulate unusual noises or noises likely to disturb inhabitants.

By-law 2024-08

Obstruction of Highways and Bridges

A By-law to prohibit the obstruction or encumbering of highways or bridges under the jurisdiction of the Town of Newmarket.

By-law 1990-79

Outdoor Burning Restrictions

A By-law to regulate outdoor burning.

By-law 2009-64

​Outdoor Serving Areas​A By-law for the licensing and regulating outdoor serving areas.​By-law 2016-29

Outdoor Water Conservation By-law
Amendment to Outdoor Water Conservation By-law

A By-law to regulate the supply and use of water within the serviced area of the Corporate of the Town of Newmarket.

By-law 2005-67, as amended by By-law 2008-22

Parking By-law 

A By-law to regulate parking within the Town of Newmarket.

Note that the Parking By-law is amended from time to time.  Please contact Legislative Services at 905-895-5193 ext. 2220 or for further information on parking restrictions or to obtain the most recent copy of the By-law. 

By-law 2019-63 (Consolidated)

Parks By-law 

A By-law to regulate the use of municipal parks.

By-law 2013-14 (Consolidated)

​Private Tree Protection Bylaw
​A By-law to regulate the Injury or Destruction of Trees on Private Property 
​By-law 2022-10 (Consolidated)

Procedure By-law

A By-law to govern the proceedings Council and Committee meetings.

By-law 2020-12 (Consolidated)

Property Standards By-law

A By-law to Prescribe Standards for the Maintenance and Occupancy of Property within the Town of Newmarket

By-law 2017-62 (Consolidated)

Recreational Vehicles By-law​A By-law to amend Zoning By-law 2010-40 related to Recreational Vehicles​By-law 2015-47

Second Hand Goods

A By-law to provide for the licensing, regulating and governing of second hand goods shops and second hand goods dealers.

By-law 2008-79 (Consolidated)

Sign By-law

A By-law to regulate the erection and maintenance of signs and other advertising devices.

By-law 2017- 73 (Consoldated)

​Election Sign By-law
​A By-law to manage and regulate election signs in the Tow of Newmarket
​By-law 2022-16
Site Alteration By-law​​A By-law to prohibit or regulate the placing or dumping of fill, the removal of topsoil and alteration of the grade of lands within the Town of Newmarket​By-law 2016-58

Snow Clearing By-law
Amendment to Snow Clearing By-law

A By-law to provide for the removal of snow and ice from sidewalks.

By-law 1996-38, as amended by By-law 2001-100

Standing Water By-law

A By-law to regulate standing water.

By-law 2003-57

Swimming Pool Enclosure

A By-law to regulate pool enclosures.

By-law 2008-18

Traffic By-law

A By-law to regulate traffic on roads under the jurisdiction of the Town of Newmarket.

By-law 2011-24 (Consolidated)

Waste Collection By-law

A By-law for establishing and maintaining a system for collection, removal and disposal of garbage, other refuse, yard waste materials, recyclable materials and source separated organics.

By-law 2017-19 (Consolidated)

Woodlot By-law

 A By-law to prohibit or regulate the destruction or injuring of woodlot trees.

By-law 2007-71

Zoning By-law

A By-law to implement the policies of the Town of Newmarket Official Plan.

For further information on the Town's Zoning By-laws, please contact Planning Services at 905-895-5193 ext. 2450